Aphids on indoor flowers: how to get rid of them quickly and effectively

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Unlike outdoor plants, indoor plants are less susceptible to external adverse factors, but this does not mean that they can be given less attention. Even flowers that grow peacefully in pots on the windowsill can become a victim of dangerous pests and various diseases. One of the frequent guests on indoor plants is aphids.

Signs of aphids on indoor plants

Attentive flower growers notice the presence of a pest on a plant immediately after its appearance, and therefore they can eliminate the problem in a timely manner. Faithful signs what is on indoor flowers aphid appeared, are:

  • flowers weaken, look sickly and less attractive;
    Aphids on indoor plants.

    Aphids on violets.

  • many small holes appear on the sheet plates;
  • the surface of the stems and leaves becomes sticky, and over time a black coating appears on it;
  • leaves curl up and dry up;
  • buds shrink, deform, wither and eventually fall off.

Reasons for the appearance of aphids in the house

In the open air, harmful insects can move freely and the question of their appearance on the site rarely arises. But aphids can be found both on the street and in the house. The main ways of penetration of this pest into the living quarters are as follows:

  • insects, their larvae or eggs, can be introduced with pet hair or clothing;
  • the pest can be brought inside along with a donated bouquet of flowers;
  • when transplanting indoor plants, soil infected with aphids could be used;
  • flying aphids could enter the house through an open window or window.

What types of indoor plants are most often affected by aphids

Aphids can get nutrients from almost any plant, but there are some that are especially fond of this pest. The favorite delicacy of aphids among indoor plants are:

  • roses;
  • orchids;
  • hyacinths;
  • fuchsias;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • hibiscus.

How to get rid of aphids on houseplants

Fighting insects indoors is not as easy as outdoors. To destroy the insect in the house, folk methods and some types of insecticides are most often used.


The use of insecticides in the room is justified only if the plant was severely affected by the pest and folk recipes did not help.

Treatment with chemicals indoors must be carried out with extreme caution. After the procedure, you should take the plant outside and ventilate the room well.

For use in the house, special odorless preparations are suitable:

  • Inta-Vir;
  • FAS;
  • Karate.

Traditional recipes

Most often, folk methods are used to combat aphids on indoor plants. They are safer than chemicals, but do not always give the desired result. Among folk recipes, the most popular among flower growers are the following:

  • rubbing the leaves of an infected plant with kerosene dissolved in water;
    Aphids on flowers.

    Aphids on flowers.

  • treatment with tincture of wormwood or celandine;
  • the use of a weak solution of potassium permanganate for spraying and watering plants;
  • spreading dried citrus peels on the ground in flower pots;
  • sprinkling an infected plant with shag, wood ash or tobacco.

The cunning small aphid is a dangerous pest. With her fight right now upon her appearance.

Prevention of aphids on houseplants

Fighting aphids on houseplants is not an easy task, so it's best to keep a close eye on the plant. To prevent the infestation of flowers by this harmful insect, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • conduct regular inspection of young shoots and leaves of plants;
  • do not leave presented bouquets of flowers near pots with indoor plants;
  • periodically wash the ground parts of plants by giving them a shower;
  • at the first sign of the appearance of a pest, isolate the infected plant from others;
  • periodically wipe the leaves of the plant with soapy water.
Are there aphids on indoor flowers? How to spray plants against pests


Indoor plants, just like outdoor plants, can become a victim of various harmful insects, including aphids. In order for them to continue to decorate the house with themselves, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures and take timely measures to combat dangerous pests.

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