What is the difference between a tick and a spider: comparison table of arachnids

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Many insects inspire fear in people. And if you do not understand them, then you can confuse some species or not distinguish dangerous from safe. You can confuse with a spider and a well-fed tick. But this is only at first glance.

Representatives of arachnids

Both spiders and mites are representatives arachnids. They have four pairs of walking legs and similar structure.


Differences between spiders and ticks.

The spider is karakurt.

Spiders are a large order of arthropods. They are mostly predators, living in their own woven web or in minks. There are representatives that live under the bark, under stones or in open areas.

Only some spiders pose a direct threat to human life. They bite and inject venom, which can be poisonous. Fatalities have occurred, but they are rare with proper first aid.


What is the difference between a tick and a spider.


Ticks are miniature representatives of arachnids. But they can do much more damage. They often live not only near people, but also in their things, houses and beds.

Ticks bite painfully, house representatives bite a person in paths, injecting their poison and causing a terrible itch. They carry various diseases;

  • encephalitis;
  • Lyme disease;
  • allergy.

What is the difference between a spider and a tick

These arachnid representatives can be distinguished from each other both externally and by behavioral features.

Size0,2-0,4 mm, rarely up to 1 mmFrom 3 mm to 20 cm
MouthSuitable for piercing and suckingBites and injects poison
CorpuscleMerged cephalothorax and bellySegmentation expressed
FoodOrganics, juice, blood parasitesPredatory, prey. Rare species are herbivores.
ColorBrown brownGray, dark, there are bright representatives
Legsend in clawsSomething like suction cups on the tips
LifeMost parasites live in familiesMostly loners, prefer solitude

Who is more dangerous: a tick or a spider

It is difficult to say exactly which of the arachnids is more harmful, a spider or a tick. Each of them carries a certain harm to a person, his home or economy.

spider web is a trapping net, the possibility of catching a victim. But from time to time people can get into the web, from which they get discomfort and eat animals, which can cause poisoning.
Some mites also spin webs. But it does not pose a direct threat. The tick itself can provide more problems when it lives near people and poisons them with its vital activity.

How to get rid of spiders read link to article below.


Spiders and mites are representatives of the same species. They are somewhat similar, but have fundamental differences. Each of them harms people in their own way. But in order to understand which of the arachnids attacked and how to deal with it.

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