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Crimean karakurt - a spider, a lover of sea air

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Among the variety of animals living in the Crimea, there are those whose meeting can end in unpleasant consequences. There are several types of poisonous spiders found on this peninsula. Almost throughout the entire territory of Crimea, except for the Southern coast, there are karakurts.

Description of the Crimean karakurt

The female karakurt is large, it is long, it can reach 20 mm. And the male is much smaller, up to 7-8 mm long. The body is black with 4 pairs of long legs and a pattern on the upper side in the form of red spots with a white border. Some individuals may not have spots.


Crimean Karakurt.

Karakurt in the Crimea.

They like to settle on beaches, in grassy areas, in ravines and in garbage heaps. Their web is spread on the ground, it does not have a specific weaving pattern, like other spiders. There may be several such traps, connected by signal threads. There is always a spider nearby and waiting for its prey. It feeds on various insects, even large ones such as locusts and grasshoppers.

In some places, poisonous karakurts are more common, in the regions of Evpatoria, Tarakhankut, in the Sivash region and on the Kerch Peninsula, there are more of them, but around Kandahar they are much less.

Scientists note that the largest number of individuals of Karakurt is found in the area of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbKoyashsky Lake.

Harm to human health

The poison of the karakurt is very toxic and 15 times stronger than the venom of a rattlesnake, but due to the fact that after a spider bite the dose of poison that enters the body is less than after a snake bite, deaths are rare. Dangerous symptoms that appear after a bite:

  • pain all over the body;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • labored breathing;
  • palpitations;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • cyanosis;
  • depression and panic.

After a bite of a karakurt, you must definitely seek medical help, in which case recovery is guaranteed.

The spider first attacks very rarely, and bites only when it is in danger. Most of the bites of Karakurt occur on the arms and legs, and occur only due to the carelessness of the person.

In Crimea, the peak of activity of poisonous spiders - karakurts


Karakurt is a poisonous spider found in the Crimea. He is dangerous, but he does not attack first. When walking, relaxing on the beach or working in the garden, you need to be careful and inspect the area for the presence of a randomly woven web that is on the ground, between stones or in the grass. Its presence indicates that there is a spider next to it. Precautions will protect you from meeting a dangerous arthropod.

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