Fish mite: in what environment does it live, what does it eat and how dangerous is it for humans, animals or plants

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Ticks are often found in local ponds and are a parasite on small active pond creatures. The fish mite is a good hunter that quickly moves through the water, thereby fluently chasing its prey. There are many varieties of mites and each of them harms in different ways. In addition, the fish mite is often a parasite in home aquariums and private ponds.

Fish water mite general information

Water mites are classified as arachnids, most of them survive on land, have lungs, four pairs of legs, and there are no antennae in water mites. Water mites differ from normal arachnids; they inhabit not only land, but also near water bodies. Two thousand species of water mites have been found and studied; only about 450 variants of water mites have been found in the CIS.


Water mites are slightly distinguished from a normal tick and have a specific body color, the body consists of the abdomen and head, has 4 pairs of legs, about three millimeters in size. Mouth or jaw in mite development, legs have hooks with bristles, have one or two pairs of eyes. Water mites can firmly move through the water. Many people convince that ticks have good eyesight and see everything perfectly even in dirty water.

Body structure of the water mite

Water mites have 8 legs with spines and hairs at the end, which helps them to move and catch food. The body consists of the abdomen and cephalothorax; at first glance, the cephalothorax is not visible only to the great abdomen. Ticks eat chelicerae from the pedipalps.  
Pedipalps do not give the victim the chance to escape from the jaw, chelicera calcines the protective cover of prey and sucks out all their food. Water mites breathe with their body, absorbs dissolved oxygen in water. Will be able to live at a low concentration of oxygen in the water.

Water mites have sexual dimorphism, and the female or male may differ in size even if they are of the same species. In addition, they completely lack a circulatory system. Also, ticks do not have a posterior intestine; this organ replaces the excretory opening, which is located above the intestines of the tick.

Life cycle

Approximately the existence of a water mite is about a year. Ticks breed in the spring in winter, the activity of ticks is insignificant or they are in the nymphal stage.

But different types of ticks breed differently. Male Piona species simply swim and look for a female for breeding, when a female is found, the male lowers his tentacles into a special pocket on his abdomen and takes out soy seminal fluid and inserts it into the female's genital opening, thereby bringing forth offspring.
Males of the second species Arrhenurus do things differently. Usually the females of this species are much larger than the males. Males at the sight of a female will simply stick to the lower part of the female. After gluing the male to the female, mating occurs and the seminal fluid enters the female's genital opening.

Hunting and food

Chelicerae and pedipalps help to absorb and retain food for ticks. They hold the victim near the mouth, and the claws of the tick pierce the skin or chitinous shell, after which the water tick sucks the prey.

Varieties of water mites and their habitats

Many people consider ticks to be insects, but all types of ticks are classified as arachnids. There are two types of hydracarine mites. The first type of Hydrachnidae lives in fresh water, and the second Halacaridae in marine. These types of hydracarines include more than four thousand species of ticks, all of them of different colors and different sizes.

Freshwater water mites

Such species live in fresh waters such as ponds, rivers, swamps, lakes. Hydrachnidae species are predators and feed on zooplankton. In addition, they freely endure temperatures, they are easy to collide in icy water (if the ice is broken). The freshwater species is easy to distinguish from the rest; they have a decorated body. The most common species of Hydrachnidae:

Hydracarini living in sea water

Atax ypsilophorus live in sea water differ in length from 8 millimeters and with their large legs with which they quickly move along the surface of the water. They have a bluish tint to the belly. They are found closer to the shore and feed on bivalve molluscs. Atax ypsilophorus, an excellent predator, has longish legs with serrations at the end with which it attacks its prey. The attack strategy of the Atax ypsilophorus mite is similar to land spiders.

The harm of water mites and their danger to humans

The fish mite is a predator of parasites, but it does not pose a danger to humans. The human body is not suitable for the water mite and they are not interested.

And when swimming in ponds, you should not worry that the tick will stick to a part of the body or enter the body.

For other small inhabitants of reservoirs, ticks are dangerous. For ticks, all small organisms become a victim.

Is there a danger to pets

Pets, as well as for people, the fish mite is not dangerous. The body of the animal is not suitable for the life of a tick. A dog or cat can safely swim in a pond or other body of water and not catch a fish tick. But you need to understand that a pet can pick up an ordinary tick that will bring an infection into your pet's body. And always after a walk, misinterpret your pet for ordinary ticks.


Water mites in an aquarium or pond and how to get rid of them

Most cases of infection in an aquarium or pond are from transferred new soil or from food that enters the pond. Parasite eggs may be present in feed or soil. Parasites cause quite a lot of damage to the inhabitants of an aquarium or pond. It is enough just to encounter a parasite; it differs from everything else in its color on the body. To get rid of them you need:

  1. We move all the inhabitants of the aquarium to another container and check them for the presence of a parasite.
  2. Getting rid of the aquarium filler. Mite eggs may be found in the soil.
  3. With a sponge and soap, wipe the entire surface and always the corners of the aquarium. After we wash the aquarium from mil water.
  4. Decorative elements of the aquarium will need to be processed or boiled for more than 5 minutes.
  5. Pour new soil into the aquarium.

If the pond has become infected, then it is necessary to use a special preparation that will destroy all parasites in the water.

 Proper use of the drug chlorophos

Chlorophos must be used correctly so as not to harm yourself and the pond. Instructions for working with chlorophos:

  1. In order for the drug to work, the treatment must be done at a temperature not lower than 25 degrees.
  2. When processing, use all methods of protection against chemistry.
  3. If there are diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular system, it is forbidden to act with the substance.
  4. Make the solution only on the street, or ventilate the premises well.
  5. Apply on the leeward side.

The drug destroys not only fish mites and zooplankton, which parasites feed on.

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