Ear mites in cats: photos, causes and symptoms, treatment and prevention of a common and dangerous disease

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Otodectosis or ear mite is a common disease of cats and cats. Many mistakenly believe that the disease is harmless. In reality, in the absence of therapy from otodectosis, the animal may die. Therefore, each owner should know which treatment for ear mites in cats is the most effective.

What does ear mites look like in cats?

Often the disease in the early stages goes unnoticed, because the tick in the ears looks like ordinary dirt. But, if you carefully examine the auricle, dark raids with an unpleasant odor will become noticeable. In advanced stages, severe inflammation develops, a dark brown crust forms.

Ear mite: photo

What an ear mite looks like at different stages of the disease can be seen in the photo.

Ear mite in a cat: can it be seen with the naked eye

With the naked eye, you can see only traces of the vital activity of the tick, the parasite itself can only be seen under a microscope - its size is 0,2-0,7 mm.

Ear mites in cats: where does it come from

There are several ways to infect an animal with otodecosis.

Ear mites in cats: species and life cycle stages

Ear mites belong to the class of acarimorph mites. Their life cycle is 4 weeks, the parasites spend it completely on the host. Ticks go through 5 stages of development: egg, larva, protonymph, telenymph and adult.

During her life, one female is able to lay several hundred eggs; during the period of activity, the parasites multiply uncontrollably. After 4 days, a larva emerges from the egg, which, in the presence of nutrition, after 3-10 days passes to the protonymph stage.

Then molting occurs and the individual passes to the teleonymph stage. At this stage, female ticks are already starting to breed. After the next molt, the teleonymph turns into an adult individual - an imago.

Ear mites in a kitten: the habitat of the ear mites in pets

The favorite habitat of the parasite is the visible part of the shell and the ear passages of the animal. The sulfur that accumulates in the ears is food for them and at the same time a favorable habitat. Sometimes the ear mite is found on the head.

Parasites have all-weather activity, however, infections occur more often in summer. This is probably due to the fact that ticks can survive longer in the external environment in summer.

Signs of ear mites in cats

In the early stages of the development of the disease, symptoms are practically absent. Otodectosis begins to manifest itself as follows:

  • head shaking, restless behavior;
  • active scratching of the ears, up to the appearance of scratching and bruising;
  • swelling and redness of the ears;
  • the animal often walks with its head down.

With the advanced form of otodectosis, more serious symptoms appear:

  • purulent ulcers on the inner ear;
  • hair loss or sticking on the ears;
  • discharge from the ear canal of a dirty gray or dirty brown color;
  • unpleasant smell.

It is worth contacting a veterinarian if the animal shakes its head and often scratches its ears. At this stage, the disease is easily treatable.

Diagnosis of cat otodectosis

Symptoms of otodectosis are similar to those of other diseases: lichen, dermatosis, fungal and bacterial infections. Therefore, for diagnosis, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian.

In the clinic, the doctor takes a scraping of the epidermis of the inner ear and determines the species of the parasite. There is a way to determine if a cat is really infected with an ear mite at home.
To do this, you need a dark sheet of paper and a magnifying glass. With a cotton swab, you need to take a little discharge from the pet's ear and smear it on paper. Evaluate the result through a magnifying glass: on dark paper, the ear mite will look like a whitish moving strip.

The course of the disease in stages

Otodectosis is the most common skin disease among cats. The parasite is located on the inside of the auricle and corrodes the inner layers of the epidermis, causing inflammation and itching. The disease proceeds in several stages.

Skin damageThe skin beetle has a powerful mouth apparatus, with which it gnaws the skin to gain access to blood and lymph. At the same time, the nerve endings are irritated, the cat feels severe itching.
Vascular damageBlood vessels are damaged, swelling and redness occur. There is a discharge from damaged areas of the skin.
In the foci, scabs form, suppurationThe number of scabs increases, a plug forms, which leads to hearing loss. Possible secondary infection of the inner and middle ear.

The consequence of the lack of therapy for the disease is the development of a strong inflammatory process of the inner and middle ear. Outwardly, this is expressed in the unusual behavior of the animal: the cat behaves restlessly, walks with its head turned 90 or 120 degrees.

Ear mites in cats

Currently, there are many drugs on the market that can effectively deal with ear mites in cats.

Amit Forte
Bravecto Spot-On
Dana Spot-on
Dana Ultra neo
Decto Forte
Amit Forte
The drug has an acaricidal effect, effective against sarcoptoid and demodectic mites.
Expert rating:

Available in the form of drops. Before use, it is necessary to clean the skin of scabs and crusts, apply to the affected area, evenly distributing with a napkin.

  • suitable for cats and dogs;
  • high efficiency.
  • contraindicated in kittens under 2 months of age and pregnant females.
Bravecto Spot-On
The tool is available in the form of drops for application to the withers.
Expert rating:

It is used to treat and prevent infection with ticks and fleas.

  • easy to apply with a special applicator;
  • protects against fleas and ticks for a long time (up to 12 weeks).
  • not suitable for the treatment of advanced forms of otodectosis.
Dana Spot-on
It is used for the prevention and treatment of entomosis caused by fleas and ticks.
Expert rating:

The drug is a drop for application to dry, intact skin in places inaccessible to licking.

  • has a wide spectrum of action;
  • suitable for animals of all ages and with hair of any length;
  • begins to act within 2 hours after application.
  • not suitable for the treatment of advanced forms of otodectosis.
Dana Ultra neo
Produced in the form of drops at the withers.
Expert rating:

The active components of the drug destroy parasites at all stages of their development, including larvae.

  • high efficiency at an affordable price;
  • convenient packaging;
  • the effect lasts up to 8 weeks.
  • are absent.
Decto Forte
Effective for the treatment and prevention of otodectosis, sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis in dogs and cats.
Expert rating:

The drug is instilled into the auricle, previously cleaned of scabs and crusts.

  • suitable for cats and dogs;
  • affordable price.
  • not suitable for puppies and kittens under the age of 4 weeks and pregnant females.
Fiprist Spot-on
Aversectin ointment
Produced in the form of drops at the withers.
Expert rating:

Antiparasitic drug, effective against ear mites, fleas and helminths.

  • effective against adult parasites and their larvae;
  • safe for cats and dogs over the age of 6 weeks, lactating females;
  • convenient packaging, easy to apply.
  • are absent.
Fiprist Spot-on
Available in the form of drops.
Expert rating:

It has a contact insect-acaricidal effect, effective against ticks, fleas, lice.

  • one treatment is enough to kill parasites;
  • it is not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore it does not adversely affect the health of the animal;
  • ease of application.
  • are absent.
Produced as a solution for injection, it is effective against external parasites and roundworms.
Expert rating:

When it enters the bloodstream, it spreads throughout the body and destroys parasites, regardless of their habitat.

  • a wide range of actions;
  • safe for kittens from 2 months of age;
  • affordable price.
  • release form - not every owner knows how to inject on their own, the procedure is painful for the animal.
The drug is available in the form of a spray, gel and injection solution.
Expert rating:

It has an antiparasitic effect, which applies to all types of ectoparasites.

  • affordable price and high efficiency;
  • products in the form of a spray and gel have an additional analgesic effect.
  • toxic, use with extreme caution.
The solution is intended for external use.
Expert rating:

It helps to successfully fight several types of parasites: fleas, withers, ixodid ticks, roundworms.

  • large volume of packaging;
  • destroys various types of parasites.
  • strong, unpleasant odour.
Aversectin ointment
The ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin or in the ear.
Expert rating:

Effective for the treatment of cats, dogs, fur-bearing animals and birds from acarosis and entomosis.

  • high efficiency at an affordable price;
  • low consumption, packaging lasts for a long time.
  • Strong smell.

How to cure an ear mite in a cat with folk remedies

There are also folk remedies for the treatment of otodectosis. In the initial stages of the disease, these methods are effective, in addition, they can be combined with the use of special preparations.

Mineral oilMineral oil will help dissolve the formed crusts on the ear and destroy the tick. The product is used in its pure form, the dosage is selected individually - there should be enough oil so that it covers the middle ear in an even layer. Repeat the procedure daily for 2-3 weeks.
White vinegarMix white vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mixture is instilled with a few drops in each ear. After the end of the procedure, wipe the ear with a dry cotton pad. If bleeding wounds are already visible on the skin of the animal, the product cannot be used.

The main rules of treatment

Otodectosis is treated at all stages, but the duration of therapy will be different. If the disease is not started, it will take 2-3 weeks to recover. In difficult cases, when a secondary infection joins, treatment may take several months.

By following certain rules, you can cure your pet faster and avoid complications.

Ear mites in a cat: treatment in the clinic

Most often, with otodectosis, the placement of the animal in a hospital is not required. The exception is the case when the infection spreads deep into the ear, there is a risk of developing cerebral edema. In such cases, the cat will need systematic maintenance therapy, injections, intravenous infusions. If the pet shows anxiety, walks with a bowed head, a large number of scabs have accumulated in the ears, it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Ear mite in a cat: how to treat at home

If the disease is just beginning to develop, you can use folk recipes, and many drugs can be used at home after consulting a doctor. The main rules for the treatment of otodectosis in cats at home are:

  1. It is necessary to treat all animals in the house with ear mites, regardless of whether they show signs of infection.
  2. All housing is subject to careful processing, in particular, things of an animal. It is better to get rid of old bedding and beds, in extreme cases, you can do with boiling.
  3. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house, wet cleaning with special products must be done daily, as parasites settle in cracks, cracks, and so on.
  4. It is important to maintain the cat's immunity, take care of the quality of its nutrition, consult a veterinarian about the need for vitamin supplements.

Treatment of a kitten and a pregnant cat

The disease in kittens is especially difficult, treatment is usually long and laborious. Most ear mites are toxic and should only be used with the advice of a veterinarian.

Most often, gentle sprays are used to treat kittens. This also applies to pregnant cats: drugs for their treatment are selected individually, self-medication is not acceptable.

Technology for the use of medicines

The effectiveness of the use of drugs depends on compliance with the technology of their use, as well as the correct choice of dosage.


Aerosols should be sprayed on the affected areas of the ears until the foci of inflammation are completely covered. The spray should be held a few centimeters from the ear so that when spraying the drug does not get into the cat's eyes. It is necessary to act quickly so that the animal does not have time to resist.


Before using the ointment or gel, you must first clean the ear from scabs and crusts. Apply the product in a thin layer to the affected areas with a cotton swab. Many animals do not like mechanical impact, so it is advisable to wrap the cat in a towel and blanket for the procedure.


Before instillation, it is necessary to clean the skin of the ear with a soft cloth. It is important to strictly observe the dosage, since most of the drugs in this group are toxic. It is necessary to bury in both ears, even if only one is infected. For the best effect after the procedure, it is recommended to carry out a light massage of the ears.

Hygiene procedures and processing

The behavior of hygiene procedures is the main condition for the effective treatment of ear mites.

Ear cleaning tips at home

Before carrying out medical procedures, it is imperative to clean the cat's ears, even if nothing is said about this in the instructions for the drug.

For cleaning at home, you will need the following tools:

  • cotton wool or cotton pads;
  • ear sticks (it is advisable not to use homemade ones, as this can lead to injury to an already inflamed ear);
  • disinfectants (chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, boric acid solution).

Instructions and procedure:

  1. Sit the cat on your lap, if the animal is aggressive or alarmed, you can wrap it in a sheet or towel.
  2. Gently bending the auricle, wipe the surface from dirt with a cotton swab.
  3. Moisten the ear stick in a disinfectant solution and gently clean the affected area with it, it is important to act gently, without pressure, as this can be painful for the animal.
  4. Allow the cat to shake its head, and then treat the outer surface of the ear and the hair near it with the solution.

Most often, the duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks. In advanced cases, therapy can be delayed for up to 6 months.

Preventive measures

The appearance of ear mites is more susceptible to animals walking freely on the street. However, fully domestic cats are at risk of being infected. This can happen through personal items, or the owner may accidentally bring the parasite from the street.

The main preventive measures of otodectosis are:

  • regular cleaning of the ears with special lotions;
  • use of individual care items for each pet;
  • avoiding contact with stray animals;
  • providing the cat with good nutrition;
  • regular disinfection of bedding, beds and other personal belongings of the cat.
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