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Spider mite in a greenhouse: measures to combat a dangerous greenhouse inhabitant

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Spider mite most often attacks plants in a greenhouse. You can find out that he appeared on the thin web that envelops the leaves of vegetables. If a spider mite appears, the struggle in the greenhouse will be serious, otherwise the entire crop will die. 

Description of the spider mite

Spider mites are arachnids that are difficult to see with the naked eye. The pests are about 0,5 mm in size and are only visible at high magnification. The first spring spider mites that emerged from their wintering grounds are brick red in color. On the other hand, the following summer generations are yellow-green and have two characteristic spots on the sides of the body.

How to understand that there is a tick in the greenhouse

Spider mite.

Spider mite.

Spider mites are found both in greenhouses and in the open field. The spider mite feeds on the underside of the leaves, causing small yellow spots to appear on the outside. Over time, the number of spots increases, merging into larger surfaces. Leaves that are severely affected turn yellow and turn brown, which in turn leads to their death.

Spider mites leave small threads in their feeding areas. Harmfulness of parasites consists in sucking the juice of leaves and stems, heavily infected plants grow poorly and give low yields of poor quality. Dry and hot weather favors the development of spider mites.

Why are spider mites dangerous?

Where the parasite hibernates in a greenhouse

The spider mite overwinters in the greenhouse under the remains of plants, in mats, in the crevices of the building and in the upper soil layer, no deeper than 60 mm. At temperatures above 25-30 ℃ and relative humidity of 30-50%, it is activated and multiplies in 7-9 days, going through full development.

👩‍🌾 Spider mites in a greenhouse: what to do? Recipes for salvation - 7 cottages

How to treat a greenhouse from a spider mite

To combat the spider mite in the greenhouse, chemical, biological, agrotechnical and folk methods are used. Sometimes they are combined for greater efficiency. Choose the most appropriate method depending on the degree of contamination of the greenhouse.


To combat the tick, ready-made products are used - acaricides and insectoacaricides.

These are dangerous drugs for human health, therefore, when working with them, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment: gloves, a respirator, goggles. It is also necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for using the drug. Usually a solution is used, which is used to process everything in a greenhouse.

Doesn't count
With the active ingredient spirodiclofen. The drug has high adhesion. It is based on tetronic acids.
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3 ml of the drug is added to 5 liters of water. Sprayed twice during the season.

With the active ingredient pirimifos-methyl. The agent is classified as a universal organophosphate insectoacaricide with intestinal and contact action.
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Builds stability over time. 1 ml is dissolved in 1 liter of water and sprayed onto the plant.

Doesn't count
With the active substance pyridaben. Japanese highly effective remedy. Begins to act 15-20 minutes after treatment. Ticks go into coma.
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1 g of powder is dissolved in 1 liter of water and sprayed. 1 liter is enough for 1 hectare.

With the active ingredient malathion. May be addictive to parasites. The defeat of the pest occurs when it hits the body.
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60 g of powder is dissolved in 8 liters of water and sprayed onto the leaves.

With the active active substance bromopropylate. Resistant to high and low temperatures. Does not pose a risk to bees.
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1 ampoule is diluted in 9-10 liters of water and sprayed.

Insecticide of contact-intestinal action.
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2 ampoules are dissolved in a bucket of water. Apply no more than 2 times.

Biological methods

The most safe and effective method of biological control is the Phytosailus mite. The predator destroys the eggs of the spider.

  1. Phytosailus is placed in cultures adjacent to the lesions.
  2. Repotting should be done every 20 days.

Agrotechnical methods of struggle

Compliance with simple agrotechnical rules will allow you to grow vegetables in a greenhouse without pests:

  • the spider mite does not tolerate high humidity, so it is recommended to increase it by regularly spraying the plants;
  • dig the ground in the greenhouse 2 times a year;
  • weed regularly, remove plant debris outside the greenhouse.

Traditional recipes

There are non-chemical methods of pest control. These arachnids prefer dry air, so increasing the humidity around the plant can limit their development.

If the number of pests is small, you can reduce their appearance by spraying the plants with clean water or water with a detergent (eg soap).

A spray made from a mild potassium soap solution with garlic or dishwashing liquid and cayenne pepper can be effective. These types of drugs not only effectively fight spider mites, but also prevent their reappearance.
Infusions of wormwood, horsetail, tansy, dandelion or tomato leaves also work well. To prepare an infusion of wormwood against a spider parasite, pour 150 g of freshly picked leaves into about 5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then strain. The finished solution must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.
It is worth knowing that the natural allies in the fight against these persistent pests are, in particular, ladybugs, as well as predatory arachnids and insects, including lacewings, which themselves are capable of destroying the entire population of spider mites.

Preparing the greenhouse for pest control

In order to have a good effect from the treatment against the tick, you need to carry out the correct preparatory work:

  • remove all plant debris from the greenhouse immediately;
  • remove all equipment and containers for irrigation from the greenhouse;
  • remove the top layer of soil by 5-7 cm;
  • wash the greenhouse with warm water;
  • wash all surfaces and frame with a solution of laundry soap or potassium permanganate;
  • after the greenhouse dries, coat the wooden frame with slaked lime, the metal frame with kerosene.

Features of greenhouse processing at different times of the year

At different times of the year, it is necessary to prepare a greenhouse for treatment against a tick in different ways.

Prevention of the appearance of spider mites in the greenhouse

Instead of choosing the best way to get rid of a tick infestation, it is better to think about how to prevent it. There are several methods of dealing with dangerous parasites. Experienced vegetable growers recommend a number of agrotechnical measures:

  • after harvesting, the stems, leaves and roots of plants are destroyed,
  • the soil is carefully dug up before sowing, as pests hide in the ground in winter,
  • regularly remove and destroy weeds, because ticks live on them,
  • the affected leaves are regularly cut off and then burned;
  • sowing culture after favorable predecessors: various types of cabbage and tomatoes;
  • it is not recommended to plant a crop in the same area for several years.
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