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Otodectosis: diagnosis, treatment of parasitic otitis caused by a tick, and prevention of ear scabies

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Otodectosis is a disease of the auricles of domestic animals caused by microscopic mites. The disease causes a lot of problems for pets and their owners, and in advanced cases it causes exhaustion and even death of animals. The disease is quite common and contagious, so every breeder needs to know about otodectosis: what treatment and drugs exist.

What is otodectosis

Otodectosis or ear mite is a parasitic disease that most often affects dogs and cats. The causative agent of the disease is a microscopic mite that uses skin cells and destroyed epidermis as food. With its vital activity, the pest causes significant harm to the animal: damage to the skin causes inflammation and unbearable itching. Advanced cases of otodectosis, especially in cats, puppies and animals with a weakened immune system, threaten with serious complications, even death.

Causes and ways of infection with otodectosis

There are several ways to get ear mites:

  1. With direct contact with a sick animal, while it can be both long-term and fleeting.
  2. Through the things of an infected animal: collars, bowls, beds, toys, etc.
  3. The parasite can be brought into the house by a person on clothes and shoes.
  4. Pests can move on fleas from animal to animal.

Symptoms of otodectosis

From the moment of infection to the first clinical signs of the disease, it can take up to 1 month. Symptoms of otodectosis begin to appear when the pathogenic mites begin to actively reproduce.

The amount of sulfur in the animal increases and this is noticeable to the naked eye. The discharge has a brown tint and looks like ground coffee. Other symptoms follow:

  • general lethargy, lack of interest in what is happening around;
  • local increase in body temperature;
  • decreased appetite, refusal to eat;
  • the animal itches furiously, as the disease progresses, the itching intensifies, the pet often bows its head towards the sore ear.

In especially advanced cases, inflammation spreads deep into the ear canal, the tympanic membrane ruptures and the membranes of the brain are affected. In such cases, the animal may experience convulsive seizures, deafness may occur.

Diagnosis of otodectes cynotis in an animal

Diagnosis of otodectosis is based on clinical manifestations, history and laboratory tests. The latter plays a decisive role in the diagnosis, since the external manifestations of the disease go with the symptoms of other infectious and inflammatory diseases.
For laboratory analysis, a scraping is taken from the inner ear of the animal. As a rule, ear mites are easily visualized under a microscope, however, parasites are able to migrate over the affected surface, so it is not always possible to detect them the first time.

To increase the likelihood of detecting an ailment, it is recommended not to clean the ears of the animal for several days before the analysis. There is a way to detect ear mite damage at home, but this method is not always accurate and the veterinarian must make the final conclusion.

To test for otodectosis, you should take some discharge from the animal's ear and place it on a piece of black paper. Next, warm up the paper a little and carefully examine it: the ear mite will be visualized as moving white dots.

Treatment that a veterinarian may prescribe

Once the diagnosis is established, treatment can begin. It is important to start it as early as possible, since otodectosis is much easier to treat in the early stages. Therapy comes down to taking antiparasitic drugs and relieving inflammation of the affected areas.

Antiparasitic ear drugs

Such drugs are prescribed only in combination with other drugs, since they are not effective enough alone. Drops should be dripped only into the cleaned ear, otherwise they will not penetrate deep into the ear canal.

With a massive infection, the drugs of this group will be useless, since their area of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbaction is limited.

In addition, instillation causes discomfort in the animal, which in turn causes aggression and anxiety. Commonly prescribed ear drops for otodectosis:

  • Decta Forte;
  • Otides;
  • Anandin;
  • Leopard;
  • Stronghold.

Tablets for oral use

The eaten tablet dissolves, and the active substances begin to circulate through the blood. Such drugs have proven effective in the fight against parasites. A definite plus: they are convenient to use, as the dog eats the pill with pleasure. Veterinarians prescribe drugs "Bravecto" and "Simparica".

How do drugs work?

The principles of action of the most commonly prescribed drugs against ear mites are described below.


Otidez comes in the form of drops to be applied to the inside of the ear. The drug is used to treat chronic and acute otitis media, dermatitis of the external ear and internal auditory canal of allergic, inflammatory, infectious and parasitic etiology. The active components of the drops are gentamicin sulfate, permethrin and dexamethasone.

Gentamicin sulfate is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, active against most types of microorganisms. The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of bacterial DNA synthesis.

Permethrin belongs to the group of pyrethrides and has acaricidal action, it affects the central and peripheral nervous system of arachnids. The mechanism of action of permethrin is to block the transmission of nerve impulses, which causes paralysis and death of ectoparasites.

Dexamethasone glucocorticosteroid has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and immunosuppressive effect.


The active ingredient of the drug is selamectin. The substance has an antiparasitic effect on many microorganisms, including pathogens of otodectosis. The mechanism of action is to block the electrical activity of nerve and muscle fibers, which leads to paralysis and death of the arthropod. It has a detrimental effect on adults and their larvae, interrupts the development cycle of the parasite and prevents the next generation of pests from appearing.



Drops have a complex antiparasitic effect, effective against internal and external parasites. The active ingredients of the drug are fipronil and moxidectin. The action is based on an increase in the permeability of cell membranes for chloride ions, which leads to inhibition of the electrical activity of nerve cells and, as a result, paralysis and death of the parasite. Effectively destroys both adults and larvae.


Ear drops have an insecticidal-acaricidal effect. The active substance is the synthetic pyrethroid permethrin. The mechanism of action is to block GABA-dependent receptors of ectoparasites, disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of the pest.


The active substance of the drug is fipronil. The component also has an acaricidal effect, blocks nerve impulses and causes paralysis of the arthropod and its death.

Complications of otodectosis

In the absence of proper therapy, the following complications of otodectosis may develop:

  1. Allergic reactions to the waste products of the parasite up to Quincke's edema.
  2. Bacterial otitis due to active reproduction of the tick.
  3. Complete or partial hearing loss due to a ruptured eardrum.
  4. Alopecia due to the movement of ticks to other parts of the body.
  5. Acute neurological symptoms: seizures, convulsions
How to quickly and effectively treat ear mites (otodectosis) in dogs and cats

Prevention of ear scabies in animals

It is possible to prevent infection of the animal with ear parasites. For this, a number of preventive measures should be taken:

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