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Processing the site from ticks on your own: effective protection of the territory from "bloodsuckers" at minimal cost

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7 minutes. for reading

At the beginning of the spring-summer season, many summer residents are wondering how to treat the area from ticks. The reason for this is an increase in the number of cases of attacks by bloodsuckers precisely in summer cottages and household plots. You can carry out disinfestation of the territory both independently and with the involvement of special services.

What is the danger of the presence of ticks on the site

Ticks can live both in the forest zone and on the territory of their summer cottage. Regardless of their habitat, these parasites pose a serious danger to humans and animals: when bitten, infection occurs, which leads to serious illness, disability and even death of humans and animals.
Parasites are very insidious: their body is designed in such a way that when adverse conditions arise, the tick falls into suspended animation, which can last for several years. A parasite that accidentally enters the site can go unnoticed for a long time, and when the victim appears, attack him.

How to determine the presence of parasites in the area

It is recommended to check the area for the presence of ticks at least 2 times: before and after treatment. This can be done using the white flag technique.

The first check must be carried out 3-5 days before the expected date of processing.

Before you go for a test, you need to take care of your own safety: choose clothes that prevent the penetration of parasites on the body, treat it with special protective equipment. The verification algorithm is as follows:

the cloth

Take a white fleecy waffle or flannel fabric.


Saturate the "flag" with human sweat or pet scent to make it attractive to ticks.


Tie the canvas with two knots to a long stick or handle, the design should be a flag.


Holding the handle, walk around the entire territory of the site. The "flag" must be driven on a vegetative surface or soil. It is necessary to make several circles around the territory, every 40-50 steps you should stop and check the cloth. Most likely, plant debris and beneficial insects will stick to it, but you only need to pay attention to ticks.

Reasons for the appearance of ticks in the local area

Parasites are most often brought by the person himself on clothes, shoes. Also, ticks often get on bouquets of flowers brought from the forest, on baskets of mushroom pickers, with spruce branches, branches, and so on. In addition, pests from the forest zone are brought by domestic animals on their wool.

How to get rid of ticks in your dacha yourself

To get the desired result, it is necessary not only to choose the right means of struggle, but also to carry out the manipulation according to all the rules.

Treatment with insecticides

Insecticides are special chemicals whose active substances have a nerve-paralytic effect on pests.

Insecticides are considered the most effective means to control ticks, but their use is unsafe for humans and animals due to the high toxicity of the agents.

Treatment with chemicals can be carried out both independently and with the involvement of special services. Insecticides are usually divided into several groups depending on the type of active substance:

  1. Zippers. Preparations based on cypermethrin. Widely used to create formulations for domestic and professional use. Active substances affect the nervous system of pests, causing their paralysis and death.
  2. FOS. organophosphorus compounds. Preparations with different concentrations of fenthion are available for domestic and professional use. As well as the drugs of the previous group, they cause disruption of the nervous system of the tick and its death.
  3. HOS. Means based on organochlorine compounds. They are highly effective, but are currently banned due to the extreme degree of toxicity.

Pests are able to get used to drugs of a certain group, so the maximum effect can be achieved using multicomponent mixtures.

Buying an ultrasonic repeller

The device is a compact monoblock that emits ultrasounds at frequencies that a person cannot hear. The repeller is easy to use, safe for people and animals.

However, it cannot replace chemical treatment and has a small (up to 50 m) range.

It can be used, for example, to protect a small recreation area. At the same time, repellers work effectively on pet collars.

Treatment with folk remedies

Mixtures for treating the area from ticks can also be prepared from improvised means. There are the following effective folk recipes:

  1. Garlic. 150 gr. crushed garlic cloves and husks pour 10 liters. warm water and insist for 5 days. To increase the effectiveness of the product, you can add herbs with a pungent odor to the infusion: basil, thyme, cloves, etc. Strain the resulting product and use to treat the area.
  2. Lemons or oranges. Ticks do not tolerate citrus smells, other fruits, such as grapefruit, can be used. Squeeze juice from the fruits, you can also use a ready-made product from the store. Dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1:5. Treat the local area with the resulting product.
  3. Essential oils. Any oil with a sharp aroma will do: fir, pine, mint, etc. Mix 2-3 ml. aroma oils and 150 gr. apple cider vinegar, mix well. Mix the solution with water in equal proportions and use to spray the area. Instead of essential oil, you can use birch tar, its smell is also unbearable for ticks.

Folk remedies are much less effective than chemicals and, most likely, they will not be able to completely get rid of ticks on the site, but they are an excellent method of preventing the appearance of harmful insects on the site.

General rules and technologies for insecticide treatment

Properly carried out processing will reliably protect the local area from the invasion of dangerous ixodid ticks.

Timing and frequency of treatments

Treatment of the territory from ticks should be carried out several times during the entire warm season. The first treatment is carried out before the activity of ticks, with the establishment of a positive temperature, immediately after the snow melts. The following treatment should be carried out during periods of peak activity of bloodsuckers: May-July and September.

Speed ​​and duration of action

Chemical preparations begin to act 30 minutes after treatment. Complete destruction of pests occurs, as a rule, after 3 days. The residual effect of the preparations remains on the grass and soil for 1-1,5 months. Re-treatment of the territory is allowed no earlier than 2 weeks after the previous one.

Procedure for the procedure

As mentioned above, when processing the site, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations - this guarantees the effectiveness and safety of the procedure.

Is the treatment of territories from ticks safe for people, pets and crops

All pesticides are toxic to humans and animals. To keep yourself and your pets safe, keep the following in mind:

  • people and pets can start using the site no earlier than 3 days after treatment;
  • do not spray drugs during the flowering period of crops - this is extremely detrimental to bees;
  • harvesting from the treated area is possible no earlier than 40 days after the procedure;
  • the total number of site treatments per season should not exceed 3 times.

How to deal with ticks in the country with folk remedies

Folk methods are much safer than chemicals, however, in order to achieve some effect, they will have to be processed constantly. As mentioned above, plants with a characteristic intense aroma repel ticks. Pests do not tolerate the smell:

  • peppermint;
  • tansy;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • geranium;
  • garlic.

With the help of these plants, you can create a hedge around the perimeter of the site, which will scare away insects. Alternatively, you can use an essential oil solution to spray the area.

Mistakes made when exterminating ticks in the country

Most gardeners make the following mistakes when baiting ticks:

  • the beginning of the procedure without preliminary cleaning of the territory (removal of garbage, mowing grass - ticks most often hide there);
  • violation of the concentration of the agent recommended by the instruction - this is unsafe for humans and animals;
  • not taking into account the timing of sprinkling and weather conditions: processing is recommended to be carried out in dry calm weather (under such conditions, the largest number of individuals come out of the grass thickets, therefore, they are easier to destroy), not earlier than 40 days before the expected harvest.
100% PROTECTION AGAINST TICKS! Treat your area against ticks, protect yourself and animals

Measures for the prevention and protection against ticks on the site

The fight against ticks in the summer cottage and personal plot is a long and laborious process. In order not to have to waste energy, time and money on the fight against ticks, unfavorable conditions for their existence should be created on the site. For this it is recommended:

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