How to pull out a tick with a syringe safely and quickly and what other devices will help remove a dangerous parasite

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With the advent of spring, nature begins to come to life and along with it ticks are activated, which pose a danger to human health. Getting rid of a sucking insect is not so easy. You need to know how to do it correctly and safely. There are several ways to carry out the manipulation, including removing the tick from under the skin with a syringe. All methods and features of the procedure will be discussed below.

What danger is fraught with a tick

The danger that the tick carries lies not so much in the bite itself as in the saliva of the pest. It is through saliva that the pathogens of tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease, which occur in a particularly severe form and can lead to disability, are likely to enter the bloodstream. At the same time, meadow species of a blood-sucking insect and ixodid forest ticks pose the greatest danger.

How does a tick bite

Saturation with blood is a necessary condition for the development of the tick, therefore, at different stages, he bites his prey at least once, periodically rebuilding from a free-living lifestyle to a parasitic one, and vice versa.
The tick carefully chooses the place of hunting, the victim and the place of attachment to it. The insect clings so tightly to the host's body, that it is almost impossible to shake it off by accident. From this time until the moment of the bite, several hours can pass.

Starting to bite and absorb into the skin, the pest cuts through its upper stratum corneum, making alternate movements with sharp chelicerae, like a surgical scalpel. This process can take 15-20 minutes.

In parallel with it, the proboscis is introduced into the resulting incision.

It plunges into the wound almost to the base of the head and the parasite penetrates the skin. Throughout the bite, which lasts about 30 minutes, anticoagulants, anesthetics and other substances are injected into the wound, so that the victim does not feel pain and learns about the bite only when a tick is detected.

Where to look for a tick on the body

The parasite is perfectly oriented under clothing, getting close to the body even through small gaps. Most often, ticks stick to the armpit, neck, head in children, in the area behind the ears, on the chest, groin, buttocks and legs. Therefore, you should pay attention to these places during the inspection in the first place.

How to remove a tick at home with a syringe

You can pull out a recently attached tick yourself with an ordinary syringe. For the procedure, a 2 ml syringe or insulin is suitable. From it it is necessary to cut off the tip at the place where the needle is attached. Just do it carefully and evenly, making sure that the syringe fits snugly against the skin.

Using a syringe to remove a tick

The prepared syringe should be pressed to the place of suction of the parasite and pulled by the piston, creating a vacuum inside the syringe. With the help of his strength, the tick will be pulled inward.

How to get the head of a tick if it is left inside

Sometimes, as a result of improper removal, the head of the parasite remains in the wound. It can cause suppuration and continue to infect a person. You can get it by twisting it with tweezers, if a part of the body remains with it, or with a calcined or disinfected needle, if there is one head under the skin. But with signs of inflammation, it is better to entrust the procedure to a medical professional.

Wound treatment

After the final removal of the tick, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim. To do this, wash the wound with soap and water and treat with an antiseptic. If, when pulling out, the proboscis of the tick remains in the skin, you should not pick it out. It will come out on its own in a few days. Hands should also be washed and disinfected.

What to do with a tick after removal

The extracted parasite is recommended to be placed in a jar of wet cotton wool and taken to the laboratory for analysis, and then, depending on the results, further actions can be taken. If it turns out that the pest was infected with the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

What else can be used to extract a tick

It is also possible to pull out a tick with the help of other improvised devices that are in every home. These include: tweezers, twister, thread, adhesive tape or patch and tweezers.

Common Mistakes When Removing a Tick

When extracting an insect, the following actions should be avoided:

  • remove the tick with your bare hands - you must definitely use a bag or gloves;
  • use any oily liquids, alcohol, nail polish, etc. - they will kill the parasite, but before death it will have time to release a solid dose of poison;
  • press on the tick or set it on fire;
  • independently pull out the insect when it penetrates deeply - there is a risk of crushing the pest and infecting.

With redness of the suction site, itching and burning, fever and feeling unwell, you should immediately go to the hospital.

pliersHow to get rid of a tick at home: simple tips on how to deal with a dangerous parasite
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