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Lacewing (insect) in the house: is a tiny predator dangerous for humans and how to get rid of it

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The lacewing fly, contrary to popular belief, does not pose a danger to garden plantings and is considered one of the most harmless insects. Moreover, experts do not recommend destroying this insect if it has settled on the site. However, in some cases, you still have to deal with it.

Description of the common lacewing

The lacewing (otherwise it is called fleurnitsa) belongs to the family of lacewings. There are several varieties of fleurnitsa, the most common is the common lacewing.


The insect got its name because of the large facet-type eyes, green or golden hue. The body is elongated, with soft covers of a greenish hue, about 10 mm long. A light green stripe runs along the upper part of the body.
With the advent of autumn, the color of insects changes to reddish-brown, which is associated with the accumulation of carotenoids in their bodies. On the back there are 4 wings, consisting of thin veins and painted in a greenish tint, their wingspan ranges from 15 to 30 mm.

Internal structure

The mouth apparatus of the gnawing type of insect is directed downwards, as in most insects that feed on plants. The abdomen is compact, consists of 8-10 segments, to which 6 running 5-segmented limbs are attached.

Lacewing versus whitefly/beneficial insect in a greenhouse/#Village Village

Insect lifestyle

What does lacewing eat at different stages of development

Harmless at first glance, insects are predators. Moreover, both larvae and adults are gluttonous. For 2 weeks of their development, the larvae are able to destroy a huge number of aphids, in addition, they eat the following types of insects:

Adult individuals retain the habits of a predator only occasionally, the main part of their diet is plant nectar, honeydew (a sweetish substance secreted by some insect species), and honeydew.

Natural enemies of lacewing

The main enemies of the fleurnica in the natural environment are ants, as they are the protectors of aphids. To protect themselves from them, greenish midges use a special defense mechanism: they put skins and wax threads of aphids on their backs, thus becoming like their prey, which misleads the ants.

Fleurnitsa, in case of danger, secrete a special odorous enzyme that scares off the enemy.

What are the benefits of lacewings

Causes and ways of penetration of lacewings into the house

Green midges do not enter the human dwelling on purpose: it is not their usual habitat and it does not contain the food they need. However, this happens.

The reasons for getting lacewings into the house are most often the following.

Looking for a warm shelterWhen the temperature drops to +10 degrees, the midge begins to feel uncomfortable and seeks shelter, which sometimes becomes human housing.
Aphids on indoor flowersIn search of food, the lacewing can fly everywhere and it may well be attracted by aphids that have started on flowers standing on a windowsill or balcony.
Random hitThe insect can be blown away by a gust of wind, and it can also be accidentally carried on clothes, shoes, or other items.

How to get rid of lacewings in the apartment

As mentioned above, you should not fight with florists in the garden, but they have no place in the apartment. Insects are not intrusive, but the difficulty in dealing with them is due to their lifestyle: during the day they hide in shelters, and at night they go hunting in search of food, so it is not easy to detect them.

Without special equipment

To begin with, it is worth trying to expel the fleurnica mechanically. To do this, open wide all windows, doors and turn off the lights in all rooms. Then you should light a lantern and a lamp on the street, it is desirable that it shine with yellow light. Attracted by bright lighting, the midge will surely fly out into the street. After that, you need to close all windows.

Radical ways

If in a gentle way it was not possible to expel the midges, you will have to use more radical methods.

Using the above methods, you can get rid of adults, but they are powerless against eggs and larvae.

Prevention of the appearance of lacewings in the house

The smell of insect pests is attractive to midges, therefore, in order to prevent the appearance of fleurnica in the house, it is first necessary to get rid of them.

It is also advisable to use the following preventive measures:

  • using mosquito nets, closing windows if you need to turn on the light;
  • careful care of house plants, preventing the appearance of aphids on them;
  • periodic vacuuming, cleaning in hard-to-reach places.
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