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Beet weevil: types of lovers of beet plantings

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In agriculture, there are a lot of specific beetles that harm certain plantings. This is the beet weevil, which eats greens and tubers.

Beet weevils: photo

Description of the beetle

Name: beet weevil
Latin: Asproparthenis punctiventris

Class: Insects - Insecta
Coleoptera - Coleoptera
Weevils - Curculionidae

Habitats:fields, gardens
Dangerous for:beet crops
Means of destruction:chemical and biological methods, natural enemies

If you approach the story correctly, then it is worth clarifying that there is no specific beetle, only beetroot. Several types of pests affect this crop.

These include gray beet weevil, small weevil, whitish, eastern and southern gray weevil. Often found stalk beetle, especially in the fields.

However, when checking the soil, experts do not separate the representatives found in the field by type, but are counted together. This beetle has a very high threshold of harmfulness. Two beetles per square meter is already an indicator of chemical treatment.

Life cycle

Regardless of which type of beet weevil has appeared, the life cycle will be the same.

  1. Flight begins when the temperature reaches +20 degrees.
  2. Adults feed for some time and mate.
    Beet weevil.

    Beet weevil.

  3. Females lay about a hundred eggs in the topsoil and die.
  4. The larvae appear after 10-12 days, go deep into the soil layer and begin to harm the roots.
  5. Pupation occurs after 60-90 days.
  6. Bugs appear after 2 weeks.

Both adults and larvae of different ages can overwinter. They burrow deep into the ground, so they survive even the most persistent cold.

Harmfulness of beet weevil

All types of beet weevil damage the crop at all stages of development:

  • appear on young shoots;
  • lay eggs in stems;
  • larvae get out and eat petioles;
  • because of this, the number of fruits and their quality decreases.

Prevention of the appearance of the weevil beetle on beets

There are a number of protective measures that will help avoid beet weevil infestation.

Gray beet weevil.

Gray beet weevil.

  1. Compliance with crop rotation, the right choice of neighbors.
  2. Cleaning weeds on the site throughout the season.
  3. Top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  4. Planting high quality seeds.

Weevil control on beets

There are several simple ways to deal with weevils in the area when planting beets.

Biological methods

This includes a whole spectrum: preparations based on bacteria and nematodes. They act destructively on the pest, but do not harm plants and beneficial insects.


Attracting birds is a good method of prevention and protection. They eat adults and when plowing and digging they catch a large number of larvae.


Insecticides cope with the task of ridding the site of pests. But you will need to select preparations for soil treatment and apply them in a timely manner.


Weevils on beets can pretty much spoil the quantity and quality of the crop. Different species can feed on plantings, seedlings or green parts. The fight is carried out quickly, as soon as the first signs of the appearance of beet weevils appear.

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