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How to find out how old a ladybug is: what the dots will say

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Ladybug beetles are covered with dark spots on a bright, most often red, background. But their number is always different, some have more, some have less. It is believed that the number of spots shows the age of the insect, but there are completely monophonic individuals.

How long do ladybugs live

How to determine how old a ladybug is.

Adult ladybug.

The life span of insects reaches 24 months. But this is only for long-livers. In the middle lane, existence reaches 12 months. But usually ladybugs live no more than a year and die after laying.

The life cycle from the moment of laying eggs to the appearance of adults takes 10 weeks on average. Depending on the ambient temperature, it may slightly decrease or accelerate.

Why does a ladybug dot

How to determine the age of a ladybug.


The number of spots on the backs of the sun beetle does not show its age. There are species that have 28 points on the elytra.

Representatives of species of ladybugs differ in color and the number of points, depending on belonging to a particular species. The most common is the species with 7 dots, and representatives of ladybugs, which have 28 dots, are vegetarian.

How to determine the age of a ladybug

It is not possible to accurately determine the age of an adult ladybug. But the stages of the life cycle can be traced:

How to determine the age of a ladybug.

Life cycle of a ladybug.

  • eggs. The eggs laid under the leaves mature for two weeks;
  • larvae. The second stage of the larvae eats a lot and takes a long time. This development usually takes 4-7 weeks;
  • pupae. After pupation, 7-10 days must pass for an adult to appear;
  • imago becomes sexually mature after 3-6 months, in mid-spring.

What affects the lifespan

The ladybug hibernates in shelters. She chooses places under leaves, under bark, under stones or in the crevices of outbuildings. Life expectancy is affected by:

  • season;
  • availability of food;
  • favorable conditions;
  • variety;
  • humidity;
  • presence of enemies.
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The dots on the back of a ladybug are not an indicator of age, although such a misconception has been around for a long time. Determining the age of an adult is difficult, and the life cycle before transformation does not take much time.

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