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Does a bear fly: why do underground pests need wings

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Among the pests of the garden and garden, the bear is very harmful. This is an animal with a frightening appearance and an unpleasant reputation. She has strong jaws and strong limbs, which is why she feels comfortable in the ground.

Description and structure of the bear

Does the bear bite?

Medvedka: photo.

Medvedka, she is a cabbage or earthen crayfish, is a large animal. Usually they grow by 5-8 cm. They have powerful front paws with which they tear the ground. Also distinctive is the "armor", the shell on the chest, which serves as an excellent protection.

She has tentacles, strong jaws, long whiskers. Medvedki swim well and love wet ground. They have wings and limbs with which she runs and jumps.

The large and powerful look of the bear is deceptive. The animal is nimble and agile.

Medvedka lifestyle

This pest does a lot of damage. They eat various garden crops:

  • weeds;
  • seeds;
  • tubers;
  • roots;
  • larvae;
  • worms.

An animal in loose soil builds a large number of moves. It also harms the fact that it makes a lot of moves, injures the roots of cultivated plants and root crops.

Does the bear fly

Among the wide variety of species of this pest, there are individuals with and without wings. Their length is also different, there are individuals with two pairs of wings. But bears can fly. But they prefer to move in other ways.

Medvedka flies or not.

Bear with wings.

Most often this is done by males, because their wings are longer, but it also happens with females, although they are larger in size. They can move through the air:

  • to explore new territory;
  • fleeing from enemies;
  • to search for partners;
  • to the call of a male.

Scientists have confirmed that it can rise to a height of up to 5 meters. The sight is not for the faint of heart. The animal is large, looks intimidating, chirps in flight, makes a rumble and noise.

Flying bear trap

Young males and males fly well, due to their still small size. They actively breed in May and June and can fly during the mating season. Then cunning gardeners make one trap:

  1. A bright light is directed onto a vertical dense surface, for example, from a lantern.
  2. Down put containers with water, with the addition of kerosene.
  3. The method is simple: the animal flies into the light, beats its head and falls stunned, drowning in a container.


A large and unpleasant-looking pest also flies. Medvedka prefers not to use wings, and fat and large females sometimes cannot fly at all. During the flight, they make an unpleasant and even frightening sound, but they prefer to move only at night.


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