What do ladybugs eat: aphids and other goodies

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Almost everyone knows from childhood that small red bugs with black spots on their backs are ladybugs. Based on this name, many people mistakenly assume that they eat "cows" in the same way as their large, horned "sisters" - grass. In reality, the menu of this cute "sun" is not vegetarian at all.

What do ladybugs eat

Almost all types of ladybugs are real predators and throughout their lives they actively hunt for smaller insects. At the same time, the diet of adults and larvae is no different.

What do ladybugs eat in the wild?

The main and favorite delicacy of ladybugs is all kinds of aphid species. The colonies of these garden pests are usually quite large and thanks to this, most of the "suns" are provided with their favorite "dish" for their whole lives.

Predatory ladybug.

Predatory ladybug.

In the absence of aphids, the ladybug will not die of hunger. Her diet in this case it may consist of:

  • caterpillars;
  • pupae of insects and butterflies;
  • ticks;
  • eggs of Colorado beetles;
  • other small insects and their larvae.

Ladybugs are vegetarians

What do ladybugs eat.

Cordless cow.

However, there are several types of "cows" that feed exclusively on plant foods. These include:

  • pitless coccinellide;
  • twenty-eight-point cows;
  • alfalfa bugs.

What can you feed a ladybug at home

Fans of keeping insects in the house know that ladybugs are picky eaters and in the event of a complete absence of animal food, they will switch to vegetable food without any problems.

What does a ladybug eat.

Ladybugs in an apple.

At home, the red bug can be fed:

  • the pulp of sweet fruits;
  • jam or jam;
  • water with the addition of sugar or honey;
  • raisins;
  • lettuce leaves.

What benefits do predatory species of ladybugs bring to people?

Like most other predatory insects, ladybugs destroy a large number of garden pests. This is especially true of aphids, whose hordes can grow exponentially. At the beginning of the last century, these insects were specially bred in California to save citrus plantations from invasion.

Ladybugs and aphids


Most ladybugs lead a predatory lifestyle and destroy a huge number of harmful insects. Thus, these tiny bugs from year to year help people save their crops and are considered their faithful allies.

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