Viburnum pests and their control

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Gardeners often choose living bushes for hedges. They look aesthetically pleasing and are useful. Sometimes viburnum is planted as a fence, which also has benefits - it blooms beautifully and bears abundant fruit. But there are a number of viburnum pests that spoil the look and taste of the fruit.

Viburnum pests

There are specific insects that love this particular type of plant, while others are not afraid of them.

Aphids on viburnum.


But neighbors can be sources of problems; pests often lay their eggs on them.

There are insects

  • eating buds;
  • flower pests;
  • leaf lovers.

viburnum leaflet

Viburnum leaf beetle.

Viburnum leaflet.

It is primarily a viburnum pest, but the leafworm also infects mountain pine. Small gray-olive caterpillars appear at the first warming and immediately build a place for themselves and actively feed.

The insect, in the absence of the correct methods of dealing with them, quickly destroys young shoots, which is why the amount of the crop and the appearance of the tree are pretty bad. All places where caterpillars have settled must be collected by hand and burned.

Viburnum gall midge

An insect that harms only viburnum flowers. As soon as the buds begin to form, the pest lays eggs in them. After the larvae appear, they actively eat the bud from the inside. In view of this, the flower does not open and ovaries do not form.

Black viburnum aphid

Aphids on viburnum: how to fight.

Aphids on viburnum.

Like other aphids, viburnum feeds on the juices of young plants. These are small brownish-crimson or brown bugs that emerge from eggs under the bark.

When warmed, they turn into larvae that move to young shoots and actively feed on them. Insects reproduce actively, quickly infect the leaves one by one.

Kalina leaf beetle

Viburnum leaf beetle.

Viburnum leaf beetle.

A decent-sized beetle lays its eggs in young shoots. From them, larvae appear that quickly eat leaves in large quantities. They are so hungry that they eat all the greens, leaving only the skeleton of the leaves.

In the middle of summer, the larvae are ready for pupation, moving into the ground. After a while, bugs appear. They do not eat leaves completely, but make huge holes in them. If the leaf beetle damage is severe, the next season the bush significantly slows down its growth.

Honeysuckle spiny sawfly

In addition to honeysuckle, these pests are very fond of viburnum. The larvae pupate in the spring and emerge to the surface with warming. When the leaves open, the sawfly lays eggs. If you do not start the fight in a timely manner, then young shoots may not have young leaves at all.


The omnivorous pest green moth grows and develops also on viburnum. The caterpillar eats only buds and flowers, eating them completely.

Preventive measures

In order to protect the plant from pests, it is necessary to observe preventive measures. These include:

  1. Rootstock cleaning.
  2. Timely spraying.
  3. Attract beneficial insects and birds.
  4. Timely pruning.

Protection of viburnum from pests

There are two ways to protect - folk remedies and chemicals.

From folk methods, a solution of laundry soap is used. It creates a film on plants, through which it is more difficult for insects to bite through the leaves. From decoctions, wormwood, onion or garlic are used.
Of the chemicals used in the spring before the leaves bloom, karbofos and nitrafen. In the process of active development of harmful insects, Intavir, Fufanon, Actellik are used strictly according to the instructions.
We spray viburnum from black aphids. Website


Clusters of scarlet viburnum adorn the bushes until the very cold. They are like the crown of autumn, they delight with their appearance, and lovers and taste for a long time. Useful berries, sources of ascorbic acid, must be preserved and protected from pests.

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