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Cockroach eggs: where does the life of domestic pests begin

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Cockroaches that appeared in the dwelling are a problem for the owners. To successfully take off the fight, it is important to know how they appear. The female lays eggs, from which nymphs emerge. Cockroaches are very prolific, and their larvae have a good survival rate.

cockroach breeding

A single mating is enough for a female cockroach, and throughout her life she lays fertilized eggs. In her body, an ootheca is formed, a capsule in which the eggs are located.

Cockroach eggs.

Emergence of larvae from ootheca.

The rate of emergence of larvae depends on several factors:

  • the type of cockroaches themselves;
  • ambient temperature;
  • humidity level.

What is ootheca

Cockroach eggs.

Ooteka cockroach.

This capsule is airtight, similar to a cocoon and acts as an incubator. It is a way to protect offspring and a source of nutrition. The embryos mature in favorable conditions for up to two months. Eggs ripen there first, but larvae can also grow immediately.

Most often, the shape of the oviposition is straight, slightly elongated. But there are rounded or even comma-shaped curved ootheca. They are small and hard to spot.

Eggs inside can be laid out with one or more rows. Their exact number depends on the type of parasites.

cockroach eggs

Larvae of cockroaches.

Eggs in the ootheca.

Cockroach eggs are white or yellowish-white, 1 mm in diameter, tightly packed in one or more rows in the ootheca. In one such capsule there are up to 50 eggs, during her life the female is able to lay up to 8 ootheca. But large species, such as sewers, lay up to 20 times per life cycle. The shell of this capsule protects the offspring from external factors and is resistant to the action of chemicals.

Some species of cockroaches lay ootheca in hard-to-reach places, thus protecting them not only from people, but also from hungry representatives of their kind.

Features of the behavior of species

In different types of cockroaches, laying can occur in different ways.

How to destroy eggs

The number of eggs depends on the number of cockroaches. If there are many adults, then accordingly they will lay a large number of ootheca in the room. Females hide their clutches in secluded places:

  • under skirting boards;
  • in a crack in the floor;
  • under peeled wallpaper;
  • under the bath;
  • places in the kitchen behind the furniture;
  • ventilation holes.

It is not easy to find places with masonry indoors. Eggs in the ootheca are reliably protected from water, pathogenic bacteria, chemicals and can withstand frost down to -11 degrees. So, first of all, you need to get rid of females with ootheca. To do this, disinsection of the premises is carried out in order to destroy adults. But the females could have time to postpone the ootheca and in a few days the cockroaches may appear again. Re-processing required.

Several successful methods of dealing with cockroaches and their larvae:

  1. Adults and larvae die if the air temperature drops below -3 degrees. The room with insects is frozen, such a natural pest control is arranged in winter. Leave windows and doors open for a day, and insects die at temperatures below -3 degrees. With a large number of cockroaches, in some cases, re-treatment may be necessary.
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  2. Chemical preparations are an effective tool in the fight against cockroaches. The industry produces a wide variety of available means: traps, crayons, gels, baits and other means. Each of them acts on larvae and adults.
  3. Alternative methods are more suitable for preventive purposes. To scare away cockroaches, decoctions and infusions of herbs, aromatic oils are used. However, using them for a long time, you can be sure that even young individuals that have just appeared will leave their homes.
  4. If you can cope with cockroaches on your own, then you need to turn to professionals who have effective means, methods and professional equipment in their arsenal to deal with these harmful insects.
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The fight against cockroaches, one of the most tenacious creatures, is very difficult. And even more difficult to find and destroy their eggs, which are so well hidden and protected. For these purposes, there are many effective methods and means. If you can’t destroy cockroaches on your own, there are always professionals ready to help.

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