Sea cockroach: unlike his fellows

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Cockroaches can be safely attributed to one of the most unpleasant insects. People experience nasty sensations when they meet them. One of the unusual representatives are sea roaches or shutters, which do not resemble typical individuals.

What does a sea cockroach look like

Description of the water cockroach

Name: Sea cockroach or stavnitsa
Latin: Saduria entomon

Class: Insects - Insecta
Cockroaches - Blattodea

Habitats:bottom of fresh water
Dangerous for:feeds on small plankton
Attitude towards people:do not bite, sometimes get into canned food

The water cockroach does not look like a red or black cockroach in appearance and way of life. The marine pest can be attributed to the largest crustaceans. It can be compared with krill, shrimps, lobsters. The body length is about 10 cm. The location of the eyes contributes to a large radius of vision. The organs of touch are sensilla - hairs, with the help of which the owner explores everything around.

The body is flat. The head is small with eyes set on the side. The body has long external and short internal formations or antennae. The color is light gray or dark yellow. Gills help to breathe underwater.
The body is covered with a chitinous shell. The shell is a protection against blows and limits the growth of the insect. The cockroach is characterized by molting. During this period, he gets rid of the shell. When the chitin texture is updated, the weight of the crustacean increases.


Sea cockroach photo.

The largest sea cockroach ever caught.

Habitats - bottom and coastline, depth up to 290 UAH. Area - Baltic Sea, Pacific Ocean,  Arabian Sea, freshwater lakes. Crustaceans prefer salty sea water. Of the 75 species, most live in the sea. Several species live in freshwater lakes. A huge number of individuals were noted in Lake Ladoga, Vättern and Venern.

Scientists still do not understand how the cockroach got into the sea and ocean. According to one version, arthropods lived in such an environment even at the time when the One Ocean existed. Other researchers believe that these are the consequences of migration.

The diet of sea cockroaches

The main food is at the bottom of the reservoir, much less often - on the coastline. The diet consists of a variety of algae, small fish, caviar, small arthropods, organic remains of marine life, their fellows.

They are able to survive in any conditions due to unpretentiousness in nutrition and cannibalism. Sea cockroaches are real predators.

Life cycle of sea cockroaches

What does a sea cockroach look like.

Sea cockroaches.

The process of fertilization is the mating of female and male individuals. The place for laying eggs is sand. The larvae emerge from the eggs after the end of the nutrient supply. The body of the larva has 2 segments. Due to the soft shell, the crustacean can receive mechanical damage. This phase is called the nauplius.

Near the anus, there is an area that is responsible for the metanauplius - the next stage, when the process of strengthening the carapace occurs. Further, there are changes in appearance and several lines. In parallel, the development of internal organs is underway. When the shell reaches its maximum size, the formation stops.

Sea cockroach in tomato sauce

Sea cockroaches and people

Sea cockroach: photo.

Sea cockroach in a sprat.

The relationship between people and outlandish cockroaches did not work out. First of all, because of their disgusting appearance. Animals are edible, especially since the closest relatives of shrimps and crayfish are eaten with pleasure by people.

On the territory of Russia they are not met. Sometimes they accidentally get into a jar of sprat, which spoils the impression for people. Although sea cockroaches do not affect the taste, the appetite from an unpleasant find can deteriorate.


This species is considered unique among other relatives. Sea cockroaches are a delicacy in countries where exotic cuisine is present. In the countries of the former CIS, arthropods are not cooked due to their repulsive appearance and the lack of demand for such dishes.

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