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Who is Stasik: 4 stories of the origin of the name

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Cockroaches appearing in the premises are always a big problem. At night, if you turn on the light in the kitchen or bathroom, they scatter in different directions at high speed. Small red, mustachioed and fast insects are called "stasiks" or Prussians. There are legends about their vitality and adaptation to any living conditions.

Where did the cockroaches get the name "stasiki"

It is not known exactly why they were given this name, but several different meanings and assumptions have been suggested. They do not claim to be reliable.

Who are stasis

Stasiki cockroaches are a synanthropic species that lives in heated rooms, they are so tenacious and able to climb even into very small cracks. These red-haired mustaches, who are officially called the Prussians, take root in city apartments and rural houses, and spoil the food stocks of their residents. They are omnivorous, but even in the absence of food, they can live from 30 to 60 days if there is enough water.

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creepy creaturesRather vile


Stasiks are ubiquitous red cockroaches with long whiskers that eat everything that comes their way. They can go up to two months without food if there is water. But they do not survive in sub-zero temperatures.

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