A cat was stung by a bee: 6 steps to save a pet

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Absolutely everyone is afraid of insect bites. Bee stings are painful. Cats have a hunting instinct and can pounce on a bee. In this case, the insect goes on the attack, and the animal may suffer.

Signs of a cat bite by a bee

Basically, the bite is characterized by a localized reaction. The affected area becomes sensitive. The most common places are the muzzle, paws, nose. After a bite, a sting with spikes remains.

The cat was bitten by a bee.

Edema from a bite in a cat.

The first symptoms are in:

  • severe edema;
  • redness;
  • pain sensations.

Usually the pet hobbles and limps, as well as meows and licks the affected area. Anaphylactic shock is characterized by:

  • rash;
  • disorientation;
  • vomiting diarrhea;
  • pale gums;
  • low temperature and cold extremities;
  • fast or slow heart rate.

On the advice of the best experts, possible signs of a bite include fainting, rapid or shallow breathing, profuse salivation, changes in behavior or mood, mental abilities.

First aid for cats with a bee sting

A few tips for finding a bite:

  • if there is a sting, it is immediately removed. The poison penetrates the circulatory system in 3 minutes. It is appropriate to use the sharp edge of a credit card or tweezers. Fingers can damage the poison sac;
  • after removing the sting, observe the reaction. The reaction should be mild and localized;
    What to do if a cat is bitten by a bee.

    The result of a paw bite.

  • sometimes it is necessary to use an antihistamine drug - diphenhydramine. In this case, you need to consult a specialist, since many drugs contain painkillers. Even death is possible. The veterinarian will advise the correct remedy and dosage;
  • applying cold swelling or a cold towel will reduce minor swelling;
  • if possible, do not allow combing, as the pain will become stronger;
  • soothe the pet and give the opportunity to rest.

Measures to prevent a cat from being stung by a bee

To protect against insect bites:

  • get rid of the nest or hive with the help of specialists;
  • protect the premises from insects;
  • when the bees penetrate, they remove the pet to another room.
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It is not always possible to prevent a bee sting. However, it does not always lead to serious consequences. When the first symptoms appear, medical attention should be provided. With increasing manifestations, they turn to a veterinarian.

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