What to do if a cat was bitten by a wasp: first aid in 5 steps

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Cats are great hunters. They also have an innate sense of curiosity. Therefore, even pets that do not leave the room are not immune from wasp stings.

Wasps and cats

The cat was bitten by a wasp.

A cat with a swollen cheek.

A wasp sting is a collection of toxins. Unlike bees, wasps do not leave a sting in their stings, so they can sting several times in a row. But this rarely happens, only in case of danger. If the animal is not allergic to the components of Hymenoptera venom, then they do not risk getting serious problems.

Cats and cats that walk around the site are at greater risk. They are more commonly found with flying insects. But there is also a downside - those who do not go out often perceive any new resident of the territory as a bait.

They consider any living creature a toy and may suffer from their own curiosity or instinct.

How to recognize a bite

By the behavior of the cat, you can notice the first symptoms - the animal meows anxiously, limps and licks the bite. But the place itself, sometimes, is not so easy to find. Felines can show aggression, hiss and rush at the owner. Visually, you can determine the place of the bite.

NoseThe cat's nose turns red and swollen when bitten. In order for the tumor to subside, you need to use special drugs. With a strong tumor, consequences can appear - problems with nutrition and breathing.
CheeksThe bite of fluffies can manifest itself not only in marks on the cheeks, but also disperse throughout the muzzle. The cheeks swell and swell, and disorientation is possible.
LanguageThe most dangerous bite for a cat, because it can not be immediately detected. Symptoms may include excessive salivation, vomiting. With a strong bite, swelling of the nasopharynx may occur. It is advised to immediately show the cat to the doctor.
lipsThe lips of cats bulge and swell from a bite. Cats may try to relieve pain on their own by leaning against cold objects. A cold compress will help relieve symptoms.
PawsThe first sign will be visual - edema. But the cat will not behave as usual, limp and lick its paw.

What could be the consequences

Has your pet been bitten by wasps or bees?
Yes No
In young healthy cats, the bite will most often go away without consequences. But in some cases, consequences are possible: if the kitten is still small, when there is an allergy or the bite site is life-threatening: eyes, tongue, genitals.

In severe cases, anaphylactic shock is manifested in the animal, which can be fraught with serious consequences.

When allergies appear signs of anaphylactic shock:

  • rash;
  • acceleration of the heartbeat;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • disorientation in space;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

What to do if a cat is bitten by a wasp

Right after the bite

First aid - treat with an antiseptic. If the edema persists, applying a cold one will be enough.

First time

After a bite, the first time it is necessary to observe the animal. If it has calmed down and behaves normally, then there should be no problem.

For allergies

If allergy symptoms develop, an antihistamine may be given to alleviate them. However, it is better to discuss its amount with a veterinarian, at least over the phone.

How to protect a wound

You need to try to make sure that the animal does not comb the wound. If this is a paw, wrap it up, and glue the muzzle as much as possible.

If all else fails

For other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to prevent a bite

As you know, any trouble is easier to prevent.

The cat was bitten by a wasp.

Paw swelling from a bite.

In order to prevent an animal bite, you need:

  • keep the area clean;
  • when nests appear, remove immediately;
  • install a mosquito net in a house or apartment;
  • when insects appear, remove the cats.


Insects that sting should not be an obstacle to the enjoyment of fresh air for either people or animals. In the event that even curious cat noses or paws have suffered from bites, you can quickly save them.

The cat was bitten by a wasp, what should I do?

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