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What is a zhigalka fly: a dangerous bloodsucker or an innocent autumn buzzer

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Stinger flies belong to the family of true flies. Unlike their indoor relatives, they are obligate bloodsuckers, who feel great both next to a person and in nature. These insects managed to spread all over the world with the exception of the regions of the Far North.

Zhigalka fly: distinctive features and lifestyle

The fly is often confused with the house fly. In terms of organ structure, they are really similar. Only the first feeds on human blood and the blood of farm animals. Autumn Zhigalka chooses their places of residence, loves light and warmth. Insect activity is manifested only in the daytime.
Individuals bask, settling on the ground, tree trunks, walls of sheds and pens. By the end of the summer season, the population of zhigalok increases significantly. The struggle for food forces parasites to settle in new territories, moving closer to people and flying into houses.

Appearance of the insect

Autumn zhigals are quite small. Visually, they are not too different from an ordinary fly, but they behave much more aggressively. They are sexually dimorphic.

Where do fly flies live

These insects are picky and live wherever there are appropriate conditions. They are found in settlements where livestock are kept: in stables, barns, pastures and farms. In such places, the flies feel great, having a source of food and a substrate for egg clutches.

Ask Uncle Vova. Fly fly

Is a fly bite dangerous for health

Often, a person becomes the object of "attacks" of zhigalok. The victim experiences not only burning sharp pain from a parasite bite, but also risks contracting a dangerous disease carried by insects. Their oral apparatus is replete with pathogens:

Also, the stinger is capable of spreading eggs of worms: ascaris and pinworms, tissue and cavity myiases.

First aid for bites

Depending on the sensitivity of a person to the components of saliva, the reaction to a bite can be different, ranging from an unpleasant sensation when the skin is pierced with an insect proboscis and ending with severe manifestations of allergies. To relieve symptoms, you need:

How to get rid of a fly

In order not to be at risk of being bitten by this parasite, you need to take appropriate protective measures and all available means.

Preventive measures

To minimize the risk of being bitten, preventive measures are taken by emptying bins on time, keeping the room clean, using repellents, and wearing thick clothing when staying in the areas where the stables are located.

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