Stem raspberry fly: methods of dealing with an insidious lover of sweet berries

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In the spring and summer, many gardeners are puzzled by the question of what kind of pest the raspberry fly is, how to deal with it with improvised means. The parasite is able to quickly destroy the crop of fragrant berries, and the difficulty of getting rid of it is due to its small size and non-specific signs of infection.

Description of the pest raspberry stem fly

The raspberry or stem fly is a pest of raspberries and blackberries. In order to recognize this parasite in time, you need to understand how it looks and what are its features.

The raspberry fly looks like an ordinary midge, its size does not exceed 5-7 mm. The color of the body is gray-brown, the body is lowered, the legs are black, the wings are translucent.

Reproduction and stages of development

The female raspberry fly is extremely fertile and lays up to 90 microscopic eggs in the axils of raspberries. After 8-9 days, a larva appears from the egg - it looks like a small white worm with a brown head. The larvae immediately start feeding, for this they bite into the shoot of a cultivated plant and eat away its middle.
Gradually, the worm moves inside the shoot, climbs into the soil, pupates and leaves for the winter. Pests wake up from hibernation as soon as the soil warms up to +12 degrees. Pupae turn into adults and their mass departure begins. It lasts a week, and if the weather is cloudy, it can stretch up to 20 days.
The location of an insect depends on its stage of development. So, adults live on the top of the plant, larvae in the inner space of the stems, and pupae live in the upper layers of the soil.

How the stem fly gets into the raspberry

The reasons for the fly to get into the raspberries are the errors of agricultural technology.

Wrong neighborhoodIt is not recommended to plant raspberries next to old plantings of the same crop, blackberries, meadowsweet and meadowsweet. All of them are susceptible to attack by the stem fly, so most often all nearby plantings are infected.
Launched raspberryThe parasite prefers dense plantings, so you need to get rid of weeds and plant debris in time, as well as cut bushes.
Defeat of aphidsThe raspberry fly is attracted to sweet scents, including honeydew given off by aphids. If you do not exterminate the first pest, then, most likely, a second one will appear soon.
Poor quality fertilizerPest larvae can get into the soil with humus, which was used as a fertilizer for raspberries.

Signs of damage to the bushes raspberry fly

Outwardly, the defeat of the raspberry fly looks like this:

  • hanging tops of stems;
  • wilting of leaves from top to bottom;
  • escape drying;
  • bluish shade of stems.

What harm does the raspberry fly

The main danger for berry bushes is the larvae of the parasite. They affect the very first, strong shoots of the plant, as a result of which the plant cannot continue its normal development. The natural nutrition of the tops of the stem is disturbed, as the pest eats away the entire core of the stem and reaches the root system. The leaves wither, and later the stem itself dries up and dies.

Spring treatment of raspberries from pests. Stem raspberry fly. Spraying raspberries against pests

Raspberry fly control methods

It is necessary to start the fight against the stem fly with elementary methods. This is an inspection of the shoots and the removal of all damaged parts. Then you can proceed to more active actions: to exterminate the pest, gardeners use insecticides, biological preparations and folk recipes.


Chemical compounds are used both for the direct destruction of pests, and for the prevention of their occurrence. It is necessary to remember about the safety measures when using such drugs: it is better to carry out the treatment in calm, cloudy, but rainless weather.

It should also be understood that all insecticides are toxic substances, so you need to work wearing protective clothing, a mask and gloves.

Produced in the form of a liquid for the preparation of a solution.
Expert rating:

The contents of the ampoule are dissolved in 2 liters. water. The resulting solution is enough to process 10 sq.m. vegetation or 2-5 trees.

  • works even in hot weather;
  • low price;
  • fast action.
  • strong unpleasant odor;
  • high consumption rate.
Available in different forms: liquid, powder or ready-made solution.
Expert rating:

Instructions are provided for each form of release.

  • remains effective for 2 months;
  • low toxicity to humans;
  • easy to use.
  • the risk of developing resistance of insects to the components of the drug.
It is produced in the form of a liquid for the preparation of a working solution.
Expert rating:

The drug consumption is up to 50 ml/m2.

  • high efficiency;
  • low toxicity to humans.
  • addictive parasites.

Biological preparations

There are also safer, biological drugs. Their effectiveness is somewhat lower compared to chemicals, but they can be safely used an unlimited number of times per season.

The most popular among gardeners received the following compositions

The drug was created on the basis of spores of the fungus Boveria.
Expert rating:

When a pest enters the body, they begin to develop, producing specific toxins, as a result of which the insect dies.

  • fast and prolonged effect;
  • does not affect the taste of grown fruits;
  • safe for warm-blooded animals.
  • may cause an allergic reaction.
Preparation based on bacteria pathogenic to insect pests.
Expert rating:

Effective against various types of pests.

  • non-toxic, does not accumulate in plants and their fruits;
  • can be used in any phase of plant development;
  • compatible with chemical pesticides.
  • delayed action (pests die only for 2-3 days);
  • unpleasant smell.

Folk remedies

Pests fly into the raspberries, focusing on the smell. To disorientate them, it is necessary to use other odorous substances, for example, birch tar.

The recipe is:

  1. Pour 10 gr. into a glass of water. birch tar and 30 ml. liquid soap, mix thoroughly.
  2. Top up with water to a volume of 10 liters.
  3. Carefully treat the leaves, shoots and soil under the plant.

Gardeners are also aware of other stem fly repellent recipes:

  • spraying with a mustard solution (dissolve 1 tablespoon of mustard powder in 10 liters of warm water);
  • treatment with a decoction of tansy (dissolve 300 g of the main component in 3-5 liters and boil for 20-30 minutes, then cool and strain);
  • planting sharp-smelling crops next to raspberries - garlic and onions.


Also, good results can be achieved with the help of traps. You can make them yourself: hang plastic bottles with slots among the raspberry bushes. Pour any sugar-containing odorous liquid into the bottles: compote, juice, beer, honey solution. The more intense the smell, the more attractive it is to insects, so if the liquid ferments in the heat, even better.

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Features of the fight against raspberry fly at different times of the year

Choosing methods to combat the raspberry fly should be based on the time of year.

In early spring and autumn, when the air temperature is below +10 degrees, the larvae are hibernating. During this period, it is necessary to carefully loosen the soil to a depth of up to 6 cm so that the wintering parasites leave the soil. Out of the soil, they will freeze or be eaten by birds. 
In late spring, when the soil warms up to +12 degrees, the larvae pupate and the active flight of adults begins. During this period, it is recommended to set traps and treat plants with deterrent compounds.
At the beginning of summer, before the raspberry blossoms, the flies lay their eggs. During this period, it is necessary to continue to set traps, and it is also recommended to treat crops with insecticidal agents, the action of which is also directed against pest larvae.
From mid-summer to autumn, the larvae actively parasitize inside the shoots. During this period, active treatment with insecticides should be carried out, the affected areas of the plant should be cut to healthy tissue.

Pest prevention and raspberry care

It is much easier to observe the prevention of the appearance of a raspberry fly than to deal with its invasion later. The following measures will reduce the risk of an annoying pest on the site:

  1. Regular feeding and timely watering of the bushes. Healthy plants are more resistant to parasites.
  2. Thinning of young shoots. Raspberry thickets should not be allowed, as they are a very comfortable environment for the reproduction and development of flies.
  3. Planting odorous plants next to raspberries - elderberry, coriander, marigolds, celery. With their aroma, they will create a protective barrier - the parasite will not be able to catch the smell of raspberries and will not find them.
  4. Cleaning of plant debris, remnants of leaves and old shoots. If there is mulch on the soil, it must be changed to fresh in a timely manner.

Pest resistant raspberry varieties

Much depends on the type of raspberry. Breeders have bred varieties that are relatively resistant to pests. Among them:

  • Zorenka;
  • Bell;
  • Balm;
  • Ruby;
  • Falcon;
  • Vera.
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