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What to put in the closet from moths: we protect food and clothes

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There are many varieties of moths. Some species of insect feed only on clothing made from natural fabrics or fur. But moths can also settle in the kitchen. Its larvae are capable of destroying a large amount of food stocks in a short time. To decide which moth remedy to use in the closet, you need to find out which variety has settled in your house.

In the kitchen cabinet

Food moth larvae.

Food moth larvae.

Where provisions are stored, dwells food moth. The pest lays eggs in food storage areas. After 2-3 days, larvae emerge from the eggs.

At an early stage of development, they need enhanced nutrition. Therefore, they eat food with great speed. Then, when the period of transformation into a chrysalis comes, the caterpillars weave a protective web.

The fact that the caterpillar has turned into a chrysalis is evidenced by the presence of lumps of sticky fibers. Products contaminated with waste, which are formed during the life of the larvae, are subject to immediate destruction.

Means and methods of struggle

Since food stocks are stored in the kitchen, the use of poisonous chemicals is dangerous to human health. Use a less toxic moth repellant in your kitchen cabinet.

First of all, you need to get rid of adult flying individuals. To do this, you can use sticky baits that are suspended from the ceiling and attract insects with the help of a substance specially applied to the tape that has an attractive smell.

It is recommended to use cardboard traps, flying into which the moth can no longer get out. For manufacturing, cardboard or thick paper is used, which is folded and fixed in the form of a prism.

How to remove a mole.

Thorough washing is a weapon in the fight against moths.

The next step in the fight is in the destruction of eggs and larvae of moths. First of all, it is necessary to sort out all bulk products that are infected and immediately destroy them. The remaining stocks must be subjected to heat treatment: either placed in the freezer for several hours, or heated in the microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes.

Thoroughly wash the containers in which the contaminated products were located (add laundry soap to the water), pour boiling water over and wipe with vinegar. No need to wipe, it is better to wait until they dry. Then vacuum all the cabinets and shelves in the kitchen set, and then wipe them with a sponge dipped in a solution of vinegar.

It should be borne in mind that warm air rises to the ceiling, so the cracks behind the plinth are a favorite place for adult butterflies.

Aerosol Clean house.

Aerosol Clean house.

They can also lay eggs there. Go through all the ceiling seams with a vacuum cleaner. If at least one clutch of eggs remains, all the work will be useless: the moth will breed again in a short time.

If no pest larvae are found in the kitchen, and several adult butterflies fly in the room, accidentally flying through an open window, aerosols containing toxic chemicals can be used. Spray the liquid from the container, close the doors and windows and wait as long as indicated in the instructions for use of the drug. Then you need to ventilate the room.

Remedies in the kitchen cabinet

To prevent the appearance of parasitic insects, preventive measures must be observed. Adhere to the following hygiene recommendations:

  1. When buying products in stores, check the goods for dangerous signs of the presence of food moth larvae and eggs. Try not to buy products on discounts and promotions. Often retail outlets discount low-quality or expired products. Savings will not be justified if you bring parasite larvae into the house with food.
  2. Cereals, sugar, tea is better to pour out of the package in a container with a tight-fitting lid.
  3. Closets must be cleared. Avoid accumulation of dust and grease. If bulk products wake up, cabinet shelves should be removed immediately.
  4. Pungent odors are unpleasant for moths. Therefore, for prevention purposes, cut cloves of garlic are used, which can be placed in the corners of the shelves of the kitchen set. If the smell of garlic is unpleasant to you, you can use other aromatic spices or herbs (for example, rosemary, dried cloves, bergamot, lavender).

Plants against moths

In the house you can grow plants that repel moths with their smell. By spreading small bunches of dry or fresh plant twigs in the room, you will not only prevent the appearance of moths in the apartment, but you will also enjoy a pleasant aroma.

The best botanical "protectors" are:

  • dill;
  • thyme;
  • sagebrush;
  • wild rosemary;
  • lemon mint;
  • geranium;
  • scented tobacco;
  • lavender;
  • immortelle.

But it should be remembered that with a strong infection with parasites, this insecticide alone will not work.

Other means

Some housewives prefer folk remedies to fight moths over chemicals. This choice is due to the following reasons:

  1. Cheapness.
  2. Ease of preparation.
  3. Harmless to humans and pets (do not contain dangerous toxins).
  4. Some products are more effective at repelling moths than chemical insecticides.

To remove moths from kitchen cabinets, it is best to use safe methods. Link article will introduce you to 11 fragrant plants that will protect your home.

clothing moth

No less dangerous is clothes moth. She loves to settle in closets and eat natural fabrics. Also a feature of this voracious individual is that she has a very exorbitant appetite. It will easily destroy your favorite fur coat, carpet and even furniture.

Room moth.

Room moth.

Protection and prevention

Moth enters the dwelling from the street through an open window or on pet hair. Moreover, a flying butterfly does not harm, but its voracious offspring can destroy most of the natural tissues.

To protect your home you need:

  1. Hang or lay out protective equipment in cabinets for prevention.
  2. Put things in storage only clean.
  3. Regularly look through and shake up clothes, moths do not like to be disturbed.

About what measures to take to protect your home from moths, you can read here. 


To avoid having to use all these tools, follow preventive measures. After all, it is always easier to warn than to destroy entire hordes later.


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