Odorous woodworm: who spoils our trees from the inside

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Pest caterpillars not only infect greenery, but can do a lot of damage to wood. One of the most dangerous enemy is the odorous or willow woodworm. This is a fat, bright caterpillar with a big appetite.

What does a woodworm look like: photo

Description of the pest

Name: Woodworm odorous, willow, buckthorn
Latin: cossus cossus

Class: Insects - Insecta
Lepidoptera - Lepidoptera
Woodworms - Cossus

Habitats:garden and forest
Dangerous for:many trees
Means of destruction:insecticides, pheromones

The odorous woodworm is a pest of the bark and insides of a tree. Caterpillars most often live on those plants that are already weakened. On healthy there are rare settlements.

The name of the caterpillar speaks of the full lifestyle of the pest - it spoils the trees, while highlighting the secret.


The woodworm caterpillar looks very impressive - it reaches a size of 120 mm and the shade is bright, pink-red. The head is dark, there is little hair, 8 pairs of legs. In winter, the caterpillar lives under the bark and penetrates deeper with cold weather. In the spring, the caterpillar comes out to the surface in search of a place to pupate. In summer, especially at the beginning, a caterpillar emerges from a dense cocoon.


Butterfly flight begins in the middle of summer. Their size reaches 100 mm. The shades of the wings are gray-brown, covered with wavy lines. Each female lays her eggs in clusters. There can be either 20 or 70 of them. In each clutch there are up to 300 eggs. They are deposited in cracks in the bark of a tree and covered with special secretions.

Distribution and nutrition

The pest is common in the steppes and forest-steppes of Europe, Asia, Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus.

They prefer to eat:

  • pear;
  • apple tree
  • live;
  • poplar;
  • birch;
  • aspen;
  • alder;
  • maple;
  • oak.

How to recognize a woodworm

The appearance of pests can be easily detected visually. Excrement accumulates at the base of the tree, and in the trunk itself there are many holes from which the juice flows. The smell of vinegar is the first sign of pest infestation.

Methods of struggle

If a woodworm was found, it is necessary to comprehensively proceed to protection. Damaged parts of the bark should be cut and burned.

  1. The moves that the caterpillars make must be pollinated with 12% hexachloran dust.
  2. An insecticide solution is injected into the holes with a syringe. Seal the holes.
  3. They use artificial pheromones that mislead males.
Large caterpillar of the Woodworm, Cossus cossus


The odoriferous woodworm is a pest of trees. It does not cause colossal harm, because most often it settles on weakened trees. However, if a large spread of an insect poses a danger to the garden, you need to move on to protection.

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