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What is moth afraid of: getting rid of pests in 10 different ways

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The moth is a small gray butterfly, completely inconspicuous, but brings a lot of trouble. All housewives know about it. Moreover, it is not the butterfly itself that harms, but the larvae that hatch from the eggs that it lays. You can fight the pest in various ways at home. But it’s even better to know what smells the mole is afraid of in order to prevent it from appearing at home.

Moth life cycle.

Moth life cycle.

How moth remedies work

The moth remedy primarily affects adults. They irritate their sensitive scent, and butterflies do not find a place for themselves where to lay their eggs. Then they have to leave the dwellings of people.

However, safe methods are not effective against larvae that may already be in food, things, furniture and carpets. Thus, it can be argued that moth remedies only affect adults. Therefore, the result will be rather slow, but sure.

What plants will help fight moths

Scented plants are a good way to control room moths. Their action is effective, but absolutely safe for children, animals and food.

caucasian chamomile

Caucasian chamomile.

Caucasian chamomile.

To protect the room from moths with the help of Caucasian chamomile, you need to buy powder from crushed inflorescences. They contain a large amount of permethrin, a substance that is a strong natural insecticide.

To quickly and painlessly eliminate moths, you need to gradually sprinkle this powder around the room.

Fragrant tobacco

This cute plant has a special aroma that moths do not like at all. If this flower grows and blooms in an apartment or in a house on the windowsill, then the moth will not enter the house.

Some people collect flower leaves, dry them and put them in closets with things or even in pockets of clothes. But in this case, you must be prepared that things will also acquire a persistent aroma.

Fragrant tobacco.

Fragrant tobacco.

Lavender and mint

The fragrant perennial plant will also easily protect any room from the invasion of pests. You just need to cut a few branches along with the inflorescences, dry them and place them in a cloth or paper bag. This natural flavoring can be placed on a shelf in a closet with food or clothes.

Mint is used in the same way as previous herbal plants. Dried leaves are placed in bags, and then they are laid out around the entire perimeter of the room that you want to protect. Periodically it will be necessary to check their condition and aroma. When the bag is exhausted, and this happens after about 2 months, you just need to replace it with a new one.


The essential oil, which is found in the leaves and flowers of geraniums, effectively protects any premises from domestic moths. If the geranium grows and blooms on the windowsill, then you don’t have to worry about the pests getting into the room. For prevention during flowering, it is necessary to periodically open the cabinet doors to ventilate them.

Indoor geranium is a natural antiseptic.

Indoor geranium is a natural antiseptic.

odorous herbs

Bouquet of herbs from moths.

Bouquet of herbs from moths.

Some spicy herbs frankly dislike moths. Among them are wormwood, oregano, tansy, valerian or bay leaf.

To produce the desired effect, it is necessary to cut the branches, dry them and place them in gauze bags. These bundles are placed on the shelves of the cabinet to remove pests from there. The ideal option would be a combination of several types of herbs. The effect lasts up to 3 months.

The use of folk remedies in the fight against moths

In addition to the substances listed above, some other folk remedies repel moths at home. They are always on the farm, inexpensive and effective.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap from moths.

Laundry soap from moths.

In order to remove moths from the cabinet, you need to thoroughly wash all the shelves and even inaccessible areas with water and plenty of laundry soap.

You can do it differently and use soap as a preventive measure. To do this, small pieces of fresh soap must be placed on the shelves of the closet, pantries, closets, kitchen furniture, between food and clothes. But you should be prepared for the fact that things will eventually acquire the aroma of laundry soap.

Vinegar and garlic

Vinegar and garlic is a fragrant and effective mixture.

Vinegar and garlic are a fragrant and effective mixture.

Garlic cloves just need to be peeled a little and laid out near the products or on the shelves of wardrobes. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the aroma of garlic eats into things very well.

Vinegar will help in the same way as laundry soap. It must be dissolved in water and used for wet cleaning on cabinet shelves. If you need to protect quickly, you can add two tablespoons of 9% vinegar to a glass of clean water, heat the mixture and put a closed cabinet for 10-15 minutes.

Orange peel

Orange peel.

Orange peel.

This includes not only orange peels, but also other citrus fruits. It can be tangerine, lemon or grapefruit. Fresh crusts exude a pleasant aroma that moths do not tolerate at all.

If you install saucers with skins in a cabinet with food, then moths will never appear in cereals. On the shelves of the closet for things, it is best to place cleanings in cloth bags. They are changed approximately every 30 days. More precisely, it is necessary to look at the state and aroma. When citrus fruits have dried up, they must be replaced.

Essential oil

Various essential oils can help protect a room from moths. Here's how to use them correctly:

  • add a few drops to the water that will be used to wash the cabinet shelves;
  • you can soak pieces of cloth and cotton swabs and put them on the shelves;
  • some simply open jars of essential oils and place them on inconspicuous areas;
  • there are even aroma lamps that are specially designed to exude a wonderful aroma.

In order to remove moths from the room, the essential oil of lavender, rosemary, mint, eucalyptus, chamomile, citrus or fir is suitable.


A tool proven over the years, which was used by grandparents, helps well against moths in cabinets where various things are stored.



Naphthalene tablets or powder are placed in special envelopes and placed on shelves or in clothing pockets. It exudes an unpleasant odor, which also does not like moths very much. However, it should never be used for food, it is harmful to health.


Chemical agents are used when insect problems need to be solved urgently or the scale of the infection is already very large.

Among the proven funds can be found:

  • insekticidы - These are substances that have a paralytic effect on the nervous system of the pest and kill them fairly quickly. Their undoubted advantage is that they act more efficiently and at high speed. However, you need to be careful, because in large quantities they cause a toxic effect on beneficial insects or even domestic animals.

    Chemical insecticides are available in different forms: sprays, tablets, plates or even solutions. Everyone can choose for himself the option that he likes best;

  • fumigators. Although it is generally accepted that fumigators mostly act on mosquitoes, this is not entirely true. They slowly but surely expel all pests from the house. In modern markets and in specialty stores there is a large selection of such things, they can be plugged into a socket or set on fire.

It is important not to overdo it with the use of chemistry, so as not to harm.

You can read more details about home protection against moths. in the article linked. 

Safety measures

When using various protective chemicals, one should not forget about the sense of proportion. Too strong odors can irritate the mucous membranes, even cause an allergic reaction. Aerosol insecticides can even cause burns.

HOW TO GET RID OF MOTHS (food, clothing) using folk remedies! WE USE PLANTS - WORMWOOD!

Prevention of the appearance of moths

It is very unpleasant to find once on your favorite fur coat slits or spools in kitchen stocks. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to take preventive measures. These include:

Hack and predictor Aviator

Even small butterflies can bring a lot of anxiety to a home. Therefore, at the first signs of the appearance of moths, it is necessary to immediately proceed to comprehensive protection measures. However, do not be afraid and panic, because there are a lot of proven and safe means that work flawlessly on adult winged pests and their larvae.

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