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What does a water strider (bug) look like: an amazing insect that runs on water

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The water strider is one of the varieties of insects. Its name is explained by its unique abilities and features. These insects have their own structure and life cycle.

Water strider beetle: description and features

One of the most interesting insects among its representatives. Water striders are a subspecies of the bug family. Insects never attack a person first, they can only attack if there is a threat to their safety.
She is able to walk on water. This is its main uniqueness. Due to this feature, water striders have their own specific structure. Their appearance is different from their relatives. The water strider has its own way of life, social structure. Reproduction does not differ much, in small details.
The development cycle and lifespan is also not too different from other insects. This insect is one of the most unusual, which must be considered closer to understand how they have everything, that they do not sink in water, but stay on its surface.


Thanks to their paws, these insects are able to float on water and not drown. Stiff hairs, with which the bugs are covered all over the body, help them to stay on the water. These hairs are water-repellent, thanks to which they are able not only to stay on the surface of the water, but also to move quickly along it.
The water strider has three pairs of paws in its arsenal. Each of them perform their specific functions. The middle and rear are responsible for the support, as well as the speed of movement. The front ones are required in order to hold the prey so that it cannot escape, and also in order to control the direction of movement. They use all limbs to perform the flip.
The size of the insect may vary depending on the species. Large or lake ones can reach sizes of 18 millimeters, pond ones reach 14 millimeters, and ordinary small ones can be 10 millimeters. There are varieties that can reach 20 millimeters, and some barely reach 1 mm. When any obstacle arises, insects begin to jump. Jumps can be quite high.
There are many shades of water striders. You can distinguish them by range. They start with light brown and end with dark brown. They have excellent eyesight, which allows them to see during the twilight period. Males also have more developed antennae, thanks to which they are able to detect a female for breeding. Insects are able to breathe ordinary air. Thanks to this system, they do not need to dive into the water. They can take care of living on the surface of the water.

What does a water strider eat

These species feed on various small insects. With the help of high speed of movement, they catch small flies. Thanks to their front paws, they are able to hold and even choke their prey. In addition to this diet, some species among congeners may feed on algae and plants. They also destroy small horseflies that harm the marine environment.

Lifestyle and social structure

Reproduction of water striders

Reproduction has its own small details in comparison with other varieties.

  1. The female lays her eggs on the surface of leaves that are on the water or near water bodies. If the clutch is small, then the insects use a special mucus that keeps the eggs on the surface. With a larger clutch, the presence of mucus is not necessary, as there are enough eggs to hold on.
  2. Laid eggs look like a regular long and white string.
  3. Male insects are especially unique. They have a "paternal instinct". Due to this, males protect the female and cubs until they are born. That is, they participate in the development of all events. They will protect offspring from predators and other troubles.

Development cycle and lifespan

Water striders do not differ in any features from most insects. The standard breeding kit, which includes: an egg, a larva, from which, after a while, an adult is born. One feature can be called the absence of a pupa, as in some insects.

Why don't water striders drown?

Water striders do not drown because of their unique body structure. Their legs are much longer than the body. The middle and hind limbs are responsible for the role of locomotion. The front ones are half the size, they have different functionality.

On the paws and on the entire surface of the body of the water strider there are hard hairs that can repel water.

Thanks to this feature, insects can not only stay on the water surface, but also move very quickly along it. None of the species of insects possesses such a feature. Looking at them, you wonder at the world how beautiful and diverse it can be.

Habitat and distribution of water striders

Most often, these insects can be found in large numbers in a quiet, Atlantic и Indian ocean. They are located along the banks of rivers or near small reservoirs. This is done in order to be able to quickly hide from various predators.

Freshwater species can live right on the surface of the water, where they reproduce and perform other important life functions. Water striders prefer to live in warm climates, but if the situation requires, they can survive even in the coldest places on the planet, where the climate can change for the better for them.

You can meet them even in ordinary small puddles or on small ponds. They inhabit almost the entire planet, where there is at least a hint of a warm climate.

Water strider bugs: main types

There are many different types of water meters. They differ in their. lifestyle and structure.

Are aquatic insects dangerous to humans?

Water striders are not aggressive creatures. They are safe for people. They can bite only in the most extreme case, when they have nowhere to run and are in great danger. They do not carry any dangerous diseases. So, even if it bites, nothing bad will happen.

Do I need to deal with water striders

Man has never fought water striders. Most often, they inhabit the water evenly, and if there is a danger, they will immediately leave the territory. Moreover, these creatures are considered orderlies of reservoirs. They destroy horseflies and other small pests in a visible space.

Have you seen a water strider?
Yes, on the pond Did not have to

Natural enemies of water striders

The biggest enemy is the water mite. It lays eggs on the body of the water strider. They, in turn, in the form of larvae, are able to bite through the skin and drink large amounts of blood. Also, the number of predators includes other inhabitants of the aquatic environment. It can be a common frog or some types of fish.

water strider parasites

As already mentioned, the parasite for these creatures is the larva of the water mite. They live in water and are capable of large reproduction. To start the cycle, they require the body of a host, which they will feed on until they are killed or grown.

Population and species status

Some varieties are protected. Basically, the number of varieties can exceed 700 individuals. They are assigned the status of protection in the natural environment. This status has low obligations. A high population of these species has a good functional requirement.

Water striders survive well in the natural environment.

Their lifespan is approximately one year. Due to their speed, as well as great dexterity and accuracy, these species can live their entire short life. A person does not see the benefit of exterminating these creatures, since they bring a large amount of benefits and the minimum possible harm.

Water striders are unusual insects that can walk on water. Pond strider (Gerris lacustris).

Water strider security

Although they are a species that is not placed in the conservation area, some species are on the verge of extinction.


Interesting facts from the life of water striders

Water striders are unique insects. They have many different facts about their lives and other things. Interesting facts about water striders:

  1. Insects are characterized by incomplete transformation. This means that during the life cycle, the larva does not differ much from the adult.
  2. Some varieties have wings. Ordinary aquatic species do not have them. After the flying species overwinter, they cannot fly due to the fact that their muscles are weakening.
  3. Insects are protected from sea water and ultraviolet radiation. This allows you to see them on clear water for several kilometers.
  4. Species that live in water lay their eggs there in floating objects.
  5. A maximum of one female is able to lay 7 eggs. This is an anti-record among other representatives.
  6. On the body of these insects there may be small ticks that feed on their blood.
  7. Water striders are predators that can attack stronger individuals.
  8. The limbs of insects are powerful, they are able to withstand 15 times their weight.
  9. If you frighten an insect, then it almost always heads north.
  10. At the time of reproduction, the female becomes very weak. It takes a lot of energy to reproduce.
  11. Male water striders have a "paternal instinct". They raise the cubs and protect the female until they are able to live independently.
  12. These bugs like to live in warm climates, but if they get in cold weather, they can get used to and survive.
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