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Bed bugs: prevention and home protection from tiny bloodsuckers

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In bed, people can tolerate anything, but not bedbugs. These insects are definitely not pleasant, and even more so in a bed. The easiest way to avoid unpleasant neighbors is to prevent bed bugs in your apartment and house.

How to understand that bedbugs appeared in the apartment

The first meeting is the most important. In relations with bedbugs in the home as well. There are several signs that bed bugs have appeared in the room. The main one is contact. Bed bug bites look like red dots and itch. They remain red oblong marks.

Other ways are more pleasant.

BloodSmall drops of blood on the bed may be traces of crushed bed bugs.
PointsSmall dark spots of unknown origin are nothing but excrement.
LumpsPieces of chitin are parts of the shell, traces of molting parasites. You can meet in bed and on the floor.
SmellWho once heard the "aroma" of bedbugs describes it as something between sour raspberries and cognac.

Where do bedbugs come from in the apartment

Even the most tidy and clean people can encounter the appearance of bedbugs in their homes and beds. And before starting the fight, you need to find the source of infection.

Not only hand-bought furniture, but also new furniture can be a source of infection. Wrong neighborhood, unsuitable storage conditions in warehouses. With regard to second-hand, you must be especially careful, all furniture carries a potential risk.
Small parasites with a lack of nutrition or deterioration of living conditions tend to approach people. They can snag on pockets, floors, drawstrings, or linings. Next is a matter of technology. The insect enters the house and actively inhabits it.

Prevention of the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment

The very first rule of dealing with bedbugs in an apartment is the principle of cutting off the path of entry. All possible routes must be blocked.

barrier protection

These are the main ways to protect your home from bedbugs that make their way from neighbors. There are several types of barriers.

Mechanical barrier

A simple but least efficient way. This includes the installation of mosquito nets on the windows, sealing the breath in cellars, between houses and stoves. This also includes all sorts of sticky tapes, recommendations to stretch the tape along the path of the bugs. They are best used as additional protection measures.


These are plants with a strong smell that irritate the bug's sense of smell. These are wormwood, geranium, lavender and mint. Liquids with a strong aroma will also help make the existence of bedbugs unbearable: turpentine, ammonia, kerosene. Treat repellent and purchased devices - ultrasonic and electromagnetic.

Destructive means

These are chemicals. They must be used strictly according to the instructions and in compliance with all safety measures. They are used so as not to harm pets and the residents themselves. Options for use: sprays, powders, gels. In advanced cases, only special disinfection services will help.

Folk remedies

These remedies are prevention, but they will also help at the first appearance of insects in the house. Here are some of the simplest: fumigation with herbs: wormwood, rosemary, mint, geranium; evaporation of aromatic oils: cedar, clove, lavender, eucalyptus; washing the contact points with a solution of vinegar.

A complete list of folk remedies - at the link.

Features of protection against bed bugs in the bed

Not every method is suitable for prophylaxis in bed. For example:

  • it is strictly forbidden to use chemicals on the bed that will come into contact with the skin;
  • you need to completely remove the bedding, review the bed itself, vacuum and heat treat;
  • it will be necessary to carry out processing several times, arranging the methods of protection.

In order to protect yourself from bed bug bites, you must:

  1. Regularly inspect joints and furniture, especially if there are suspicions about the appearance of roommates.
  2. Wash bedding frequently in hot water and iron it with an iron.
  3. Use products that irritate the scent of the bug, but are harmless to humans.
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