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How to deal with slugs in the garden: 10 easy ways

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In the garden or garden, you just won’t meet anyone. There are all kinds of caterpillars and bugs, butterflies and bees flutter. And there are unpleasant slimy long bodies - slugs. For all their defenseless form, they are malicious pests.

What do slugs look like: photo

Description of slugs

Name: Slug
Latin: Arion lusitacus

Class: Gastropoda - Gastropoda

Habitats:anywhere with high humidity
Dangerous for:greens, vegetables, berries
Means of destruction:special preparations

Slugs or slugs are a range of gastropods. But they, unlike the snails familiar to many, have no or modified shell.

Body structure

The body is long, elongated, bilaterally symmetrical. Due to muscle contractions, they can change their shape. Consists of head, leg and visceral mass.


On the head are a pair or two tentacles that receive information and transmit them for processing. Body cells are phytosensitive, with microvilli. Nerves stretch along the entire body, control movement.


There are two types of mucus that are produced by mollusks: liquid and thick. Both species play important roles: they help to hold on and move along vertical surfaces, maintain moisture and protect against predators.

Slug lifestyle

The average life of mollusks is 12-18 years, but depending on the species, the figures can be much higher.


Slugs reproduce sexually, but there are several different variations of this process.

  1. The connection of the genitals of different individuals, and there may not be a pair, but even 4.
  2. Apophalation. The male reproductive organs are bitten off and the females envelop them.
  3. Throwing. Some species use a different method - males throw sperm in the direction of the genitals.

After fertilization, about 30 eggs are laid in the ground or bedding. After a few weeks, they become eggs, and for another month, individuals develop inside.


Most species are unpretentious and eat organic materials. It can be mosses, leaves, mushrooms. They make useful humus from plant residues - this is their benefit. But there are also predators that feed on their own, caterpillars and earthworms.

In agriculture, they cause significant harm:

  • cabbage;
  • lettuce;
  • seedlings;
  • peas;
  • strawberries;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • grapes;
  • winter.

They carry various diseases and fungal spores.

Natural enemies

Slugs have many enemies, but there are no animals that feed on these particular mollusks. Among those who like to eat slugs are noted:

  • hedgehogs;
  • moles;
  • rodents;
  • shrews;
  • rooks;
  • starlings;
  • seagulls;
  • chickens;
  • ducks;
  • toads;
  • frogs;
  • snakes.


The main condition for the existence of slugs is high humidity. But they are found everywhere. The eggs or adults hibernate deep in the ground.

types of slugs

There are a lot of different gastropod molluscs. There are those that are widespread, and there are species that are found in a certain area.

Slug big
The size varies from 100 to 200 mm. Hue yellowish, ashy or off-white. White sole, dark pink tentacles. A pest of greenery and often lives in vegetable stores. In turn, there are representatives of this subspecies: black, spotted, red.
field slug
A particularly harmful representative that breeds at high humidity. Damages vegetables, ornamental crops, greens. Tolerates late blight and downy mildew. There are more than 100 species in total.
Slug road
Mollusk with a hard shield on one third of the body. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle, afraid of the bright sun. It reproduces rapidly and adapts to changing conditions. Can withstand moisture levels up to 50%.

How to deal with slugs

Do not think that outwardly weak slugs are defenseless. In times of massive animal attack on plantations, it can be quite difficult to eradicate them.

Mechanical methods


Collection of slugs.

These are methods that require time and effort, but will help to effectively protect the site without the use of chemicals.

  1. Manual collection. In the early morning, when the humidity is high, you need to look at the places under the porches, near the buckets, in the rosettes of strawberries and strawberries, under the grape and cabbage leaves.
  2. Traps. You can lure gastropods with pleasant aromas for them: beer, kefir, citrus fruits, melons, corn. The container is filled with bait and dug into the ground.

Creating a barrier

This method is very simple - it creates obstacles for the penetration of slugs into the area. They do not like harsh smelly substances, copper-based materials, materials that are not comfortable for animals to crawl on.

They are placed around the perimeter of the site, even better in two lanes. The same fence is placed near the trees or within the vineyard.

Suitable for barrier:

  • crushed shells;
  • sand;
  • lime;
  • wood ash;
  • mustard powder;
  • coffee grounds.

Odorous barriers will be:

  • rosemary;
  • sage;
  • parsley;
  • laurel;
  • marigold;
  • garlic.

Folk methods

These are effective remedies that will help get rid of slugs, but will not harm useful animals. The table below lists the effective methods and their application.

DustingFor the treatment of crops, mixtures of preparations are used in equal proportions or slaked lime with superphosphate or tobacco dust and wood ash. The irritating mixture is unpleasant for living creatures.
Hot pepper solutionTo prepare a decoction, you need to grind 100 grams of dry dried pepper and pour a liter of water. Leave for 48 hours, boil and insist for the same amount of time. For spraying, you need 0,5 liters of decoction and the same amount of soap per bucket of water.
Potassium salt treatmentFor snails and slugs, it is a poison that quickly kills. But it will be necessary to process several times, because because of the mucus, little gets on the body. A bucket of water for spraying needs 1 kg of dry powder.
TincturesFor 5 buckets of water, you need 2 tablespoons of dry powder, leave for an hour and spray. Zelenka can be used according to the same principle - a jar in a bucket.
Unpleasant odorsThis birch tar or ammonia solution is scattered or poured over the beds. Repeat every week.


If there are a lot of mollusks, you need to move on to a quick and effective fight. Chemical preparations that cause death will help in this. They are most often granulated or in powder form. The composition contains substances that destroy gastropods, and the smell attracts them.

The drug is scattered in places where slugs accumulate, but so that it does not fall on the paws of pets.

How to deal with slugs.

Collected slugs.

The best on the market are:

  • "Slug";
  • "Thunderstorm";
  • "Ulicid".

Prevention of the appearance of slugs on the site

Gastropods easily adapt to different conditions, spread very quickly and cause unique harm. To prevent the appearance, you need to reduce the humidity and clean the places where they can breed and eat enough.

  1. Autumn and spring digging, who will help push the slugs out into the cold or bright sun, where they will die.
  2. Weeding between rows, so that in the thick grass it is not comfortable for the slugs to rest.
  3. Remove carrion, pieces of branches and any places where they can live comfortably.
  4. Mulch plantings with hard material, which will prevent slugs from moving around the site.
  5. Planting taking into account the neighborhood and avoid thickening.
  6. Carry out drainage in case of approaching groundwater.
Greater roadside slug (Limax maximus). Macro


Slugs in the area can do a lot of harm. They voraciously spoil a large number of green parts and various vegetables, and also carry various diseases from crop to crop. It is better to start with prevention, then, if necessary, move on to active protection.

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