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What are the caterpillars: 10 interesting varieties and those who are better not to meet

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Caterpillars are found everywhere. These are insects from which beautiful and fragile butterflies emerge. The caterpillars themselves seem rather unpleasant and even vile to some. On the territory of Russia, they are hunted by many species.

Description of caterpillars

Caterpillars are insects from the Lepidoptera order, moth larvae. They may differ in size, shape, shades and food preferences.

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Photo of caterpillars

Types of caterpillars

Most caterpillars live on the ground, on various plants. They can live in colonies or singly, be beneficial or cause great harm.

cabbage caterpillar

butterfly caterpillar cabbage white light green in color with 16 pairs of legs and 35 mm long. As the name suggests, they feed on cabbage, but don't mind trying radishes, horseradish, turnips, and shepherd's purse.


Long thin caterpillar surveyor with an unusual method of movement. A very large family with colorful representatives that have good immunity.

Big harpy butterfly caterpillar

A caterpillar with an unusual purple rhombus and a white border on the back can reach a length of 60 mm. She is interesting for her behavior, in a dangerous situation she swells up, sprinkles with poison.


This is a very useful butterfly that brings silk to people. Double silkworm caterpillar feeds mainly on mulberry, this is the main raw material for creating threads. The caterpillar is actively grown.

Unpaired Silkworm

Unlike his brother, a real pest. Unpaired Silkworm eats green parts of plants in large quantities.

Swallowtail butterfly caterpillar

Bright and unusual butterfly caterpillar swallowtail with a colorful appearance that changes several times in a lifetime. The insect is black at first, then becomes partly green with orange stripes. He loves greenery in the garden.

Bear butterfly caterpillar

Large unusual caterpillars with a bright "hairstyle" of protruding hairs. Butterfly caterpillars they like to feast on blackberries, raspberries, apple trees and pears. Touching these darlings is not advised, their hairs cause irritation.


A whole family with a huge appetite - budworm. Insects are small but very common. The larvae eat the leaves, fruits and inflorescences. With a strong infection in the fall, even the kidneys will suffer in the spring.

hawthorn caterpillar

Long dark insects with light hairs and excellent apatite are hawthorn caterpillars. They eat very quickly a lot of green plantings.

Goldentail caterpillar

Golden silkworm caterpillar very brutal. Especially on shrubs and fruit trees. She settles in colonies and gnaws very quickly any plantings.

Dangerous caterpillars

There are poisonous caterpillarsthat harm not only plantings, but also people. Many of them look very unusual and attractive. But it is better not to touch unfamiliar animals.


Small, fragile-looking caterpillars often cause great damage to green spaces. But from each even the most nondescript individual, a real miracle can appear - butterflies.

15 most dangerous CATERPILLARS in the world that are best left untouched

ButterfliesHawthorn - caterpillar with excellent appetite
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