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How a caterpillar turns into a butterfly: 4 stages of the life cycle

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Butterflies are rightfully one of the most beautiful flying insects. A variety of colors and amazing patterns that adorn their wings are sometimes simply mesmerizing. But, before becoming such beautiful creatures, insects need to go through a long and amazing path of transformation.

Butterfly life cycle

Butterfly life cycle.

Butterfly life cycle.

To turn into a beautiful butterfly, the caterpillar goes through several stages of development. Full cycle of insect transformation consists of stages:

  • egg;
  • Caterpillar;
  • pupa;
  • butterfly.

Description of the main stages of transformation

How long does it take to complete the transformation cycle of a butterfly

The duration of each stage depends on the type of insect and the climatic conditions in which the transformation takes place.

The full cycle of insect transformation can range from 1,5-2 months to 2-3 years.

What is the lifespan of an adult butterfly

After leaving the pupa, adult insects become sexually mature after only 2-3 days. The lifespan of a butterfly directly depends on how quickly it can give birth and thus fulfill its main mission.

Adults of most species live from 2 to 20 days. Only those species whose adults remain for the winter can be called centenarians. They can live 10-12 months.

How does a caterpillar turn into a butterfly? | DeeAFilm


At first glance, it's hard to believe, but most of the fat, unpleasant-looking caterpillars eventually become beautiful, graceful butterflies. After the transformation, these amazing creatures do not live very long, but even in a short time, they manage to please those around them with their beauty and sophistication.

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