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What insects can start in an apartment: 18 unwanted neighbors

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Not all residents of houses and apartments settle next to people by mutual agreement. Some enter the dwelling of their own free will, settle down and cause harm. These are domestic insects in the apartment and house.

Insects in the house

Insects in the apartment.

Domestic insects.

Some insects are good friends of people. They are bred as pets and pets.

There are even insects that are domesticated by man in order to receive certain advantages from this. They produce dye, are an expensive source of food or material for fabric.

The rest of the insects that live next to a person cause only harm:

  • carry diseases;
  • harm products;
  • spoil clothes and furniture;
  • bite people and animals.

What insects can start in the apartment

Favorable living conditions make human housing comfortable for various living creatures. Warm, cozy, a lot of secluded places and enough food - than not the most comfortable place.


Insects in the house.

Ticks indoors.

A large group of arthropods, whose representatives are very common. They harm stocks and people, carry various diseases and are their causative agents. You can meet people around:

  1. House hairy tick. A small, almost transparent cosmolith that lives and feeds in the village, straw, seeds, tobacco, and leftovers. Likes high humidity and warmth. Causes dermatitis in humans.
  2. scabies mite. The human parasite that causes scabies. Lives in the skin, outside a person quickly dies.
  3. Ticks in the countryside: rat, chicken, bird. Bloodsuckers can also attack people.


Frequent neighbors of humans, they live in the wild and some join humans. These are most often: Black, Red, East Asian and American species. Favorable conditions contribute to the spread of insects and related harm:

  • helminths;
  • poliomyelitis;
  • anthrax;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • plague;
  • leprosy.


In Russia, there are 13 species of them that harm a person and household items. Most often they live with people Kozheed frisha and brownie. They hurt:

  • carpets;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • herbarium;
  • compound feed;
  • flour;
  • beans;
  • corn;
  • skin.

fruit flies

Several types of Drosophila, large and fruit, most often settle in people's homes. They are ubiquitous and do not survive only the severe cold of the far north. Individuals feed on fermentation bacteria, and when they enter the body in humans, they cause a malfunction in the intestines.


Various members of the family are distributed in various climatic regions and regions. They often live close to humans in bathrooms, closets, and kitchens. They feed on proteins and carbohydrates, tolerate drought well.

Insects carry typhus, dysentery, plague, polio and worms.

The most frequent neighbors of people are:

  • red house ant;
  • house thief;
  • woodworm red-breasted.


Domestic insects.

Real flies.

Hordes of flies have long been side by side with people. They most of all like to live near agriculture, next to food leftovers, garbage cans. There are representatives of endophiles and exophiles living outside and inside the premises.

In addition to their importunity, they spoil food, parasitize livestock and domestic animals, and carry various diseases and infections. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are:

  • real flies;
  • green and blue meat;
  • gray blowflies;
  • house flies;
  • brownies;
  • autumn burner.

hay eaters

A small detachment of insects that most often live in the tropics or subtropics. In a temperate climate, in the immediate vicinity of people lives Hay-eater book. He, according to the name, lives in the bindings of books and harms them. But the tiny insect also feeds on cereals in storage.


Three species from the Pelicul family are common in human dwellings. These are bloodsuckers:

  • pubic;
  • wardrobe;
  • head lice.

They live on the host and constantly feed on his blood. They die during daily starvation.


Another blood-sucking parasite that lives on animals of the same type and often attacks people. Nits are well preserved, they are not afraid of temperature changes and mechanical stress, they are difficult to crush. Bites are very painful, causing swelling and inflammation. The fleas themselves carry plague and infection, a mass attack leads to severe depletion of the animal.

Insects in the house.

Cat flea.

There are such types:

  • feline;
  • rat;
  • canine;
  • human.


Night residents that buzz and prevent people from sleeping, in addition, bite painfully. They feed on the blood of people and animals, carry various diseases and infections. People fight with them with various chemical and folk remedies.


Among the representatives of the species, there are those that harm plantings, food products and things. Nondescript butterflies do no harm, but their voracious larvae can do a lot of harm. Common are:

They do not bite people, but cause a lot of damage to the economy.


Domestic insects.


Wasps - not quite insects living exclusively in the house, but often adjacent to people. Among them there are those that are parasites of other insects, help to fight the pest of the economy.

But for the most part, wasps do not bring anything good. They bite, build their nests to interfere with people and carry a threat. Often their dwellings are found under balconies, under the roof and behind the walls.


Silverfish do not bite humans and do not carry disease. But these small insects spoil the stocks of food, household items, paper products. They can harm wallpaper, fabrics, carpets, souvenirs.


Appearance of the insect flycatchers makes you anxious and even scared. But in fact, there is no harm from flycatchers or house centipedes as they are called. These are predators that feed on pests living in the house. And let no one be afraid of this high speed.


Beetles that fully justify their name. There are two main types of them - bread and wood. The former eat dry foods, while the latter eat wood from the inside.


Vegetarians living in apartments and houses woodlice do not touch people, but cause significant harm to indoor plants. Anything green will suffer. These are indoor flowers and even seedlings.


Another small lovers of green spaces and frequent guests of houses and apartments - thrips. They multiply very quickly at room temperature and occupy the entire territory.

Other neighbors

Domestic insects.

Spiders are people's neighbors.

Many are horrified by the neighborhood of some other animal species - spiders. A whole detachment of arachnids shocks not only the female sex, but also many brave men. But this is all just a stereotype. In fact, they even help catch mosquitoes, flies, and other harmful insects.

Some types of house spiders can bite a person, but do not cause much harm to health. To remove them, it is enough to collect and take them outside the home. Often this is done with a broom.

Prevention of the appearance of insects

Neighbors of people in the form of harmful insects can cause a lot of trouble. They bite some, cause itching and irritation, and often carry infection.

Prevention measures are:

  1. Maintaining cleanliness in the apartment and in the house.
  2. Removing places that might be attractive.
  3. Timely cleaning of garbage and household waste.
  4. Proper ventilation in rooms.


People do not always choose their own neighbors. Some insects themselves are happy to settle down to a person. They are comfortable, cozy, have enough food and shelter. Compliance with the order will be an excellent measure of prevention.

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