What determines how long a flea lives

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Fleas are considered one of the most dangerous insects. They are able to carry various diseases. Their bites are very painful for humans and animals. When parasites appear, they begin to fight them.

How long do fleas live

Life expectancy depends on:

  • temperature regime;
  • living conditions (on the street or in an apartment);
  • air humidity;
  • infections;
  • dog or cat attacks;
  • insecticides;
  • food source.

Typically, life expectancy under adverse conditions ranges from 18 days to 3 months. During this period, the parasite can bite 10 times. The laying of eggs by a female reaches 500 pieces. The average life span is 1 to 1,5 years.

How long do fleas live without food

Some species can live up to 3 months without consuming blood. This applies to those individuals that attack humans. Lack of food does not affect mobility.

The possibility of reproduction depends on the lack of nutrition. A hearty meal promotes mating followed by egg laying. Parasites can even live indoors where there are no people or animals. But after 3 months, death is simply inevitable.

What to do if there are fleas in the apartment

Stages of flea development

Rare cases are known when fleas lived up to 2 years. The pupal stage is the longest. Usually takes several months. Flea development consists of:

Reasons for the death of larvae

The death of larvae occurs when:

How long do fleas live in artificial conditions

The life expectancy is affected by the environment. In the laboratory, cat fleas can live for several months. In some cases, they lived 86 days, and in others - up to 185 days.

On an animal

On a groomed animal, fleas live for a long time. Within 2 weeks, an average of 94% of females and 89% of males survive. With trimmed claws and wearing conical collars, 2% of males and 60% of females remained alive after 85 months. After 3,5 months, the number of fleas was at least 50%.

How long do fleas live and why do fleas die in their natural environment

The main factor in mortality is called hygiene habits. With good care, up to 95% of parasites die. Insects not only feed on blood, but also remain to live on the animal's fur. On the body of a pet, they hide from cold or heat.

The death of fleas during insecticidal treatment

Synchronous processing leads to death in 2 days. The problem is that the insecticide does not get into the carpet fabric. It is in this place that eggs, larvae, and pupae are often found. The cocoon also prevents chemical attack.

How long does it take to repeat the treatment?

After treatment, the death of fleas occurs within 4 weeks. After 2 weeks, the effect of insecticides weakens. Re-treatment should be done in the second week. 3 treatments will completely eliminate the colony of domestic parasites.


Fleas are always a concern. Fighting them is difficult and painstaking. However, with the help of modern insecticides, all parasites can be destroyed.

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