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What are black fleas and how to deal with them in a person's home

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People are often afraid of insects, especially women. However, fleas scare everyone from young to old, including pets. Small black jumping creatures in a house or apartment can inspire, if not horror, then definitely disgust.

Who are black fleas

There is no separate type of black flea. All representatives of small pests can be dark brown, for which they were mistakenly called black. In houses, black pests can be:

  • canine;
  • feline;
  • rat;
  • human.

But the names are subjective, these bloodsuckers change owners with success and great appetite. The darkest, almost black, are hungry individuals. When saturated with blood, their body increases and brightens.

Features of fleas in the home

Dark small jumping fleas can appear both in a private house and in an apartment. They come from the street and for a very long time, up to 5 months, can be in a pupal state.
Animals are also at risk. They can become infected with fleas on a walk or suffer from random individuals. Bloodsuckers are very voracious, drinking a lot of blood, leaving behind their excrement.
In addition to speed, when fighting, you need to take into account the fact that the height of the jump is 1,5 meters. This means that it is at this height that it is necessary to finish processing. Cracks on or under the window sill must be cleaned.

How do fleas get into people's homes?

There are several possible ways for bloodsuckers to enter human housing.

  1. Accidentally through an open door, window, or on a person's shoes.
  2. On pet hair, after walking.
  3. They move from the attic or cellar, if they are poisoned there, in search of cozy conditions.
  4. Due to unsanitary conditions, in deposits of old linen, carpets or furniture.

Ways to get rid of black fleas

First of all, you need to think about the ways in which pests appear and prevent this.

  1. Further cleaning is carried out, the most general cleaning of all cozy places under the cabinets, in the corners and floorboards.
  2. Treat carpets or furniture immediately.
  3. It will also be necessary to poison insects on pets.
  4. It is obligatory to clean with a vacuum cleaner, which will remove dust and partially eggs.

Chemical method

The easiest way to protect and secure your home from fleas is to use chemicals. They are efficient and fast. But some can be toxic, so apply according to the instructions.

They can be in the format:

  • spray;
  • gel;
  • oil;
  • chalk;
  • concentrate.

For animals it is:

  • sprays;
  • shampoos;
  • drops;
  • pills;
  • collars.

Of the proven means, users note the effect of drugs:

  1. Dichlorvos.
  2. Taran.
  3. Raid.
  4. Masha.
  5. Confidant.

Folk remedies

These are herbal preparations that act for a long time, are not as effective, but are safe for people and animals. These are dry herbs, as well as infusions and decoctions.

Temperature effects

In practice, these methods are not available to everyone, but they are simple and effective. Fleas, like any other organism, have features in which they do not survive. This includes temperature effects.

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