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Butterfly with eyes on wings: amazing peacock eye

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One of the most beautiful butterflies is the peacock eye. Its original pattern is difficult to confuse with other moths. The bright colors of the insect catch the eye from afar.

Peacock eye: photo

Description of the butterfly peacock eye

Name: Peacock eye, daytime
Latin:Aglais io

Class: Insects - Insecta
Lepidoptera - Lepidoptera
Nymphalidae - Nymphalidae

Habitats:tropics, up to 60 degrees North
Features:2 generations per season, warm three
Benefit or harm:beautiful butterflies are not pests

The moth is a relative of the checkers, urticaria, mother-of-pearl. The name of the insect is due to the spots that look like the "eyes" of a peacock.

The wings of the male individual have a span of 45 to 55 mm, the female - from 50 to 62 mm. The wings are dark red or brownish-red with a shallow cut. They have dark gray trim.

Large peacock eye.

Large peacock eye.

On the wings there are spots of such shades:

  • dark blue;
  • yellow-white;
  • reddish brown.

The color is influenced by external temperature during the pupation period. The body is black, has a reddish tint at the top. This species is divided into more than 1000 varieties.

The largest representative is atlas - the most beautiful butterfly. The span reaches 24 cm. Such butterflies can be kept at home.


Peacock eye.

Peacock eye.

Insects inhabit all of Eurasia. However, the largest number is noted in Germany. In 2009, this species acquired the status of butterfly of the year. They like open space.

Meadow, edge, park, garden - favorite places. Humid and spacious areas are the best habitat. They love to settle in thickets of nettles. Butterflies can climb mountains to a height of up to 2 km. In the cold months, they settle in reliable shelters. In March - October they live in open areas.

DietFavorite delicacy is nettle. However, they can eat raspberries, hops, willow. An adult individual consumes plant sap, flower nectar, overripe fruits, burdocks.
LifespanIn rare cases, a butterfly can live for more than 1 year. Basically, life expectancy varies within 5 - 6 months. In apartment conditions, the conditions of detention greatly affect. More natural conditions significantly prolong this period.
ReproductionThe female and male need a favorable temperature and enough food and water. Mating takes from half an hour to 8 hours. After that, the female looks for a place to lay eggs. Usually these are plant leaves. There are 2-3 offspring per season.
WinteringWintering of moths takes place in a cool environment. When hibernating in warmth, they do not survive until spring. High temperature accelerates metabolism and aging. The most comfortable temperature is within 0 - 5 degrees above zero.

Peacock eye in the house

A motley beautiful butterfly Peacock eye can be grown at home. When it hatches, you can settle in your own garden.

In order to properly grow butterflies and enjoy their beauty, a number of steps must be taken.

Step 1. Choosing the cubs.

The caterpillar kit can be purchased at specialty stores. They are kept in special containers. They clean every day.

Step 2. Food and shelter.

Caterpillars need to be fed with leaves. Peacock gas prefers to feed on nettles in nature. At home, they can be given water with honey or sugar. You can feed slices of bananas and oranges. Feed no more than 2 times a day.

Step 3. Transformation.

When the caterpillar has eaten enough, it turns into a chrysalis. They are attached to sticks. It is necessary to maintain a certain environment - a suitable level of humidity.

Step 4. Help.

Butterflies should hatch and hang down so that it is convenient to spread their wings. You need to make sure that the location is convenient. The pupae will change color just before transformation.

Step 5. Let it get stronger.

Immediately after the transformation, the wings of butterflies are weak and must dry out. Even if the insect has fallen, you should not interfere - it will find a place.

Step 6. Free.

When the butterflies begin to fly inside the container, they can be released into the garden. You can release a peacock eye near the thickets of blackberries or raspberries. At first, it is advised to feed the butterflies with sugar syrup.


It is difficult to describe the beauty of the peacock eye. This original and unusual butterfly attracts the eyes of everyone around. At home, for a longer life, the necessary conditions are provided.

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