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Marsupial rat: bright representatives of the species

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There are many varieties of animals in the world, of which 250 species are marsupials. Most of them live in Australia and in the vastness of the Russian Federation are found only in zoos or private estates. There are several types of marsupial rats, they differ in size and color of fur.

What marsupial rats look like (photo)

Name: Marsupial rat: large and small
Latin: Phascogale calura

Class: Mammals - Mammalia
Predatory marsupials - Dasyuromorphia
Marsupial martens - Dasyuridae

Habitats:mainland australia
Catering:small insects, mammals
Features:nocturnal predators are listed in the Red Book

Description of the animals

Small marsupial rat in length with a head 9-12 cm, and a tail length of 12-14 cm. The muzzle is pointed, the ears are large and round, the back is grayish, the belly is light cream or white, the base of the tail is brownish-red with a black bristle of the largest part. Nocturnal inhabitants, live mainly in trees.
Large pouched rat, it is long-tailed, slightly larger than a small one, its length is 16-22 cm, and its tail is 16-23 cm. The back is gray, the belly is white, the muzzle is sharp and round ears. On the tail is a brush of black hair. They live in the territory of New Guinea and prefer to live in the uplands.
Kangaroo rat Potoru - the smallest of all representatives of the species. It looks like a small kangaroo, with massive hind limbs that hold the entire animal. The rat moves by jumping, which makes it look like a kangaroo.

There is another kind - Gambian hamster rat. One of them, Magva, received a gold medal "For Courage and Devotion to Duty." You can read more about it at the link.



Marsupial rat with cubs.

Both large and small marsupial rats reproduce in the same way. The offspring of a marsupial rat can appear at the age of 330 days, after mating, the males die, and the fertilized females have babies after 29 days.

There are no full-fledged bags in this species of rats, but before the offspring, they develop skin folds with 8 nipples that protect the offspring. Females build their nests in hollow trees. Usually, from June to August, young animals appear, no more than 8 cubs, who feed on breast milk for 5 months. After that, the young individuals leave the nests and enter adulthood.

Marsupial rats are included in the IUCN Red List as a species that is near the threat of extinction, since foxes and wild cats appeared in the habitat of these mammals, which began to hunt them.



Opossum with offspring.

One of the species of marsupial rats are opossums. This is a cute furry animal that is a favorite of many children from the Ice Age cartoon. Opossums represent a whole species, they are common in America.

Animals are absolutely omnivores, they do not disdain larvae, cereals, and even delve into the garbage. In search of food, they roam the neighborhood and climb into a dwelling, can cause significant damage.

They have a certain trick - the animals are very nimble, strong, muscular and omnivorous. However, in situations where they are in danger, they can slow down and even play dead.

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Marsupial rats are not at all a threat to the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, because they prefer a warm tropical climate. They are more cute furry animals that you can admire.

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