Scarab beetle - a useful "messenger of heaven"

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There are a huge number of different beetles in the world, and some of their species are so famous that they are heroes not only of children's songs and fairy tales, but also of many ancient myths and legends. The primacy among such beetle-winged "celebrities" certainly belongs to scarabs.

What does a scarab beetle look like: photo

Who is the scarab beetle

Title: Scarabs 
Latin: Scarabaeus

Class: Insects - Insecta
Coleoptera - Coleoptera
Lamellar - Scarabaeidae

Habitats:in a hot climate
Dangerous for:not dangerous to people
Means of destruction:does not need to be regulated

Scarabs are a genus of beetle-winged insects that are part of the lamellar family. At the moment, this group of beetles has about 100 different species, which are perfectly adapted to life in desert and semi-desert conditions.

The brightest and most familiar representative of the family is dung beetle.

What do scarabs look like?

CorpuscleBody length in different species can vary from 9,5 to 41 mm. Like many other representatives of the lamellar mustache family, the body of scarabs is massive, wide, noticeably flattened from below and from above.
ColorMost beetles of this genus are black. The color of gray and dark gray is less common. The surface of the body of scarabs is initially matte, but in the process of life they become smoother and even shiny.
HeadThe head is wide and equipped with 6 teeth in front, which help the insect to dig the ground and defend itself from enemies. 
Front limbsThe front pair of legs of beetles is designed for digging. The underside of the body and limbs of the insect are covered with many dark hairs.
Middle and hind limbsThe middle and hind pair of limbs are much thinner and longer than the front ones. There are spurs on the tops of their legs. The limbs of the beetle are framed by many hard hairs, and there are special teeth on the outer side of the shins. 
pronotumThe pronotum of the beetles is wide and short, and the elytra are about 1,5-2 times longer than it. The surface of both elytra also has an equal number of grooves.
Sexual dimorphismFemale and male scarabs do not have much difference in appearance.

Skorobei Habitat

Most species from the genus of scarabs live on the territory of the Afrotropical region, since the hot climate of this area is perfect for these insects. About 20 varieties can be found in the Palearctic region, on the territory of countries such as:

  • France;
  • Spain;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Greece;
  • Ukraine;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Turkey;
  • southern regions of Russia.

It is worth noting that scarab beetles are not found on the territory of mainland Australia and the entire Western Hemisphere.

Lifestyle of scarab beetles

Scarab beetles.

Rare gold scarab.

The most comfortable conditions for the life of korobeiniks are hot weather and sandy terrain. In a temperate climate, beetles become active in the second half of March, and during the entire warm period they are engaged in rolling dung balls.

With the advent of summer, scarabs switch to nocturnal activity and practically do not appear during the day. In the dark, these insects are especially attracted to sources of bright light.

Diet preferences

The diet of scarab beetles consists mainly of the excrement of large herbivores and omnivores. Insects make balls from the found manure and use them as a source of food for themselves and the larvae.

Beetles of this genus are extremely useful insects that accelerate the decomposition of organic waste.

Why do scarabs roll dung balls?

To date, there is no exact answer to the question of why the scarabs began to roll balls of dung.

Most scientists are of the opinion that the beetles do this because it is the easiest way to move the collected excrement to a suitable place.

What does a scarab beetle look like?

Pair of scarab beetles.

In addition, animal feces is a very plastic material that can be easily shaped into any shape.

Ready-made balls are easily moved by insects over long distances. At the same time, in the process of rolling, the ball becomes larger and ultimately can be much heavier than the beetle itself. Having reached the right place, the scarabs lay eggs inside the rolled manure and hide it underground for about a month.

Dung Balls and Families

The behavior of scarabs in relation to dung balls is a very interesting phenomenon. Since both males and females can roll balls, very often they unite and roll them together. In this way, insects form pairs for mating.

Scarab: photo.


After the dung ball is ready, the beetles build the future nest together, mate and disperse, while the male does not pretend to the jointly rolled "property".

In addition to exemplary fathers, there are real robbers among the scarabs. Having met on their way a weaker individual with a ready-made ball, they will by all means try to take away someone else's "treasure".

The role of scarab beetles in history

This genus of beetles from ancient times won the deep respect of people, and the inhabitants of ancient Egypt considered it a divine creation. The Egyptians identified the rolling of manure by these beetles with the movement of the sun across the sky, because as you know, scarabs always roll their balls from east to west.. In addition, people are used to the fact that in the desert area all living creatures strive for water, and scarabs, on the contrary, feel great in lifeless deserts.

Beetle soon.

Khepri is a man with the face of a scarab.

The ancient Egyptians even had a god of dawn and rebirth named Khepri, who was depicted as a scarab beetle or a man with an insect for a face.

The Egyptians believed that the scarab god protects them both in the world of the living and in the world of the dead. For this reason, during mummification, a scarab figurine was placed inside the body of the dead in place of the heart. In addition, beetles of this species were often depicted on various talismans, caskets and precious items.

Scarab jewelry remains popular to this day.

What types of scarab beetles are found in Europe and the CIS countries

The habitat of scarabs covers the southern part of Europe and the countries of Central Asia. The species diversity in this area includes about 20 species. On the territory of Russia, only a few species of beetles from the genus of scarabs are usually found. The most common and well-known among them are:

  • sacred scarab;
  • scarab typhon;
  • scarab Sisyphus.


Thanks to the ancient Egyptians, scarabs gained the widest fame in the human world, and they still remain the most famous insects. In Egypt, these beetles were considered symbols of rebirth and resurrection from the dead, so many drawings and precious figures in the form of scarabs were found inside the pyramids. Even in the modern world, people continue to revere this insect, so the scarab often becomes the hero of science fiction films and books, and beetle-shaped jewelry is still relevant.

Sacred Scarab. Forms of nature: ball.

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