How to get rid of ants in the kitchen

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In the animal world it is difficult to find an animal as tenacious as an ant. Even after thoroughly cleaning the kitchen, ants may return in search of food and water. To get rid of ants, you need to take a comprehensive approach to pest control, paying special attention not only to your home, but also to the surrounding ant colonies that were also in your yard.

Why are there ants in the kitchen?

Unlike family, friends or neighbors, ants don't visit your kitchen to check out your new countertop or stainless steel refrigerator. When it comes to the kitchen, ants appear there for two reasons: food and water. Because ants have powerful scent receptors, they are very adept at detecting food sources. Imagine living next to a bakery and freshly baked bread beckons you. To ants, even a small amount of food can be as tempting as a bakery is to you. In addition, water can also be an attractant. If you have a leaky faucet, dripping pipes, or poor drainage, your kitchen may become infested with ants and other insects.

What do ants eat?

Do you have a sweet tooth or maybe you prefer something carbohydrate or cheesy? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you have something in common with ants. Sweets (granulated sugar and fruit), proteins (meat and dairy products) and carbohydrates (baked goods) are a big hit with ants. If you are a good cook or baker, it is important to wipe down surfaces and not leave any ingredients behind. Additionally, since ants can contaminate food with E. coli or salmonella, it is important to keep food sealed and sealed tightly. By practicing proper food storage and kitchen cleanliness, you not only reduce the likelihood of ants visiting your kitchen, but you also reduce the likelihood of foodborne illnesses.

How to get rid of kitchen ants

If you find ants in your kitchen, you are most likely dealing with Argentine ants, pharaoh ants, or odorous house ants. Each of these species is tiny. To make your kitchen less attractive to ants, follow these tips:

  • Make sure openings and cracks around windows and doors are sealed.
  • Clean kitchen surfaces regularly, especially after cooking or eating.
  • Don't kill worker ants until you see where they come from. These ants forage for food and bring it back to the colony. Killing them will make it harder for you to locate the colony.
  • Put away cat and dog food as soon as your pet has finished eating.
  • Sweep or vacuum your floors regularly to remove fallen crumbs.
  • Call a pest control professional to treat the ant colony or colonies on your property.

If you find ants in your kitchen, there may be a colony nearby. To effectively and efficiently control ants, you need to find and treat the source. Because ant colonies tend to go deep into the ground, it is extremely difficult to kill each ant yourself, especially the queen or queens. Your best bet is to call a pest control professional like Beztarakanov.

After inspecting your home and property, an Aptive pest control professional can determine the most effective and safe treatment option based on your needs. Aptive's commitment to customer service and environmental stewardship sets us apart from our competitors. If you have a pest problem that needs to be controlled, call BezTarakanoff today.

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