How to get rid of fruit gnats in the kitchen

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Fruit flies in the house are incredibly annoying. Sometimes you have no idea why they are in or why they won't go away. Although they are not as nasty as some other kitchen bugs such as cockroaches, they are still a nuisance that no one wants in their home. They reproduce like crazy and can live anywhere from a couple of weeks to months!

What attracts fruit flies?

The first step to take when getting rid of fruit flies is to determine what attracts them to your home. They often disappear as soon as you get rid of that source. Ultimately, what fruit flies love most is fermenting fruits and vegetables. However, they can also be attracted to waste and wet environments, such as garbage disposal. Can't find the source? Perhaps it's an old banana peel that fell behind a trash can, or a hidden candy wrapper that the kids stuffed in the couch.

The good news is that fruit flies breed inside fruit, so it's usually easy to find the source of the problem.

How to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen

Have you ever seen one fruit fly and found 100 more the next day? Fruit flies reproduce extremely quickly and can lay up to 500 eggs at a time. These eggs hatch in just 24–30 hours and are fully grown within a few days. This is why it is so important to get rid of fruit flies as soon as you notice them, before they become a serious problem.

Get rid of the source

If fruit flies don't have a home, they won't be able to reproduce in the hundreds. That's why it's important to immediately dispose of any fermenting fruits and vegetables and thoroughly clean all countertops.

Fruit fly traps

There are a wide variety of inexpensive fruit fly traps that work great. There are also many DIY traps you can make online.

insect spray

While insect sprays may be difficult to completely kill all fruit flies, they are a great way to kill most fruit flies. We recommend using this method in combination with other methods.

Natural methods

Some herbs have been shown to get rid of fruit flies. These include basil, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, cloves and lemongrass. Camphor also works, but you need to be careful. You can simply put these herbs in bags and hang them around your house. Alternatively, you can diffuse these essential oils around your fruit flies.


Prevention is the best way to avoid future fruit fly problems. Be sure to store leftovers or expired food in an airtight container (maybe even in the refrigerator for added safety). Keep counters clean and remove unpleasant odors immediately, as they can attract fruit flies. Also, be sure to set traps for a couple of weeks after you have gotten rid of the fruit flies. The eggs may continue to hatch, at which point the problem may start again if you do not continue prevention methods.

Other kitchen bugs and pests


Once ants get into your home, they can be even more difficult to get rid of than fruit flies. They also have 6 times more scent sensors than fruit flies, so ants are often better at finding sweets than fruit flies. They are attracted to even the smallest baby that can be returned to their queen.

Pantry insects

There are some pantry pests that only feed on dry foods such as grains and flour. These include weevils, bread beetles and Indian mealy moths. Most often they enter the house due to contaminated food products brought in.


For most people, cockroaches will be the worst case scenario when it comes to insect infestation. They can become very large, reproduce quickly, and are associated with dirty homes (though they can also be found in clean homes). Overall, they are unpleasant to have in your home. Cockroaches are often found in the kitchen, but they can also be found in other areas of the home as they will eat just about anything.


Another worst case of infestation for most homeowners is rodent infestation. For example, mice may invade homes in search of food and shelter. Rats are less common, but they can be found inside houses near their habitat.

Pest Control Services

If you just can't get rid of fruit flies in your home (or other kitchen insects), contact BezTarakanov for a free consultation. We handle infestations throughout the United States. Take advantage of our professional and effective pest control to keep pests at bay all year long.

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