Interesting facts about mosquitoes

11 minutes. for reading

Summer is a favorite time of year not only for children and adults. Annoying insects seem designed to darken our mood on carefree summer days. Encounters with mosquitoes are difficult to avoid, so it is important to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and exercise caution.

How long does a mosquito live?

When an annoying mosquito enters your apartment, it seems that it is ready to stay there forever. However, this is not the case. Its lifespan depends on many factors, but even under the most favorable conditions it will not exceed six months. And this is provided that males live even shorter. Typically, male mosquitoes live no more than a month, and females - about two months. These indicators also vary depending on temperature, type and availability of food.

How do some of these bloodsuckers manage to live to a record 6 months? The fact is that they fall into a state of torpor at a temperature of about 0 degrees (hibernation). They then awaken as if nothing had happened, and the time spent in the torpor is added to their life cycle.

Benefits of blood-sucking insects

No matter how strange it may sound, it turns out that mosquitoes are not only a nuisance, but also have their own value on our planet.

So what is their meaning:

  1. Pollination: Some species of mosquitoes actively participate in plant pollination. They feed on the nectar of flowers, helping in the pollination process.
  2. Role in the food chain: Without mosquitoes, life on Earth would quickly change for the worse. They serve as food for many other animal species. For example, swallows would not be able to survive in cities without blood-sucking insects in their diet. In addition, mosquito larvae provide food for fish, amphibians and their offspring, developing in aquatic biotopes.
  3. Human health: Despite the obvious harm they cause us, studies have shown that mosquitoes can dissolve small capillary blood clots and thin the blood. This has a positive effect on the health of people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Their food preferences: Not all mosquitoes target human blood. There are more than 3500 species of mosquitoes, and not all of them are interested in human blood. Some species prefer the blood of birds or even reptiles.


Even the world of architecture has room for non-human inhabitants. In 2006, a unique monument was erected in the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug - an image of a mosquito. Initially, the idea seemed strange to residents, but the result turned out to be impressive: the monument attracts tourists who come to the city of Noyabrsk to capture fascinating photographs. It is interesting that it was created as an anti-monument, because for many people the Siberian frosts turned out to be less terrible than these persistent insects.

The largest monument to a mosquito, exceeding 5 meters in height, is located in Petrozavodsk. The metal “Onega mosquito” amazes with its size. Tourists celebrate the author’s creativity and the Karelian flavor of this artificial object.

In the southwest of Slovakia is the city of Komárno, where you can also see a mosquito made of stainless steel. This object rotates around its axis and makes a squeaking sound. Its wingspan is more than 400 cm.

Sensitivity to sweat

Lactic acid, found in human sweat, is the main stimulus for biting. Therefore, in summer it is recommended to exercise indoors with the doors closed.

Mosquitoes prefer blondes

Based on the research results, scientists made an interesting discovery: only female insects suck blood, which is necessary for their reproductive functions. Those interested learned that they prefer to bite women, especially those with blond hair.

The influence of the full moon

They are often called bloodsuckers, bloodsuckers and even vampires. However, mosquitoes can also be compared to other mythical creatures, such as werewolves. The explanation for this similarity is that female mosquitoes bite much more effectively during the full moon, when their activity increases by hundreds of percent.

Risk of infection

Mosquitoes are extremely harmful insects that can carry many dangerous diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and tularemia. Our immune system has difficulty coping with the invasion of the body by the Japanese encephalitis virus, which is carried by bloodsuckers of the genus Aedes.

If you have any signs of yellow fever or other potentially fatal infections after being bitten, it is highly recommended that you see a doctor.

How a mosquito finds its victim

Mosquitoes detect carbon dioxide exhaled by humans at a distance of up to 50 meters. At 15 meters they can already distinguish the silhouette of a person and head towards him. At a distance of 3 meters, insects feel the warmth and aroma of the skin, after which they bite.

Who is out of the risk zone

Unfortunately, even if you are at home, you cannot completely avoid these insects. Research shows that people with blood type O and those who drink alcohol are especially attracted to mosquitoes. On the other hand, some vitamins, in particular group B, are not of interest to these blood-sucking insects.

In the name of science

Several years ago, a harsh experiment was conducted in the Canadian tundra: a man with naked limbs and torso was “left to be devoured” by blood-sucking insects. Within an hour, he was surrounded by thousands of mosquitoes, causing damage at a rate of 9000 bites per minute. The study showed that at this rate you can lose up to 2,5 liters of blood.

Mosquitoes and mosquitoes

Many people mistakenly believe that they are the same pest.

However, there are fundamental differences between them:

  1. Size: The mosquito is smaller in size than the mosquito. Its body reaches a length of no more than 3 mm, while some species of mosquitoes can grow up to 1 cm.
  2. Different families: Both types of insects are dipterans, but mosquitoes belong to the butterfly family, while gnats do not.
  3. Attack tactics: Most mosquitoes do not usually choose a specific location to attack. Mosquitoes are very scrupulous in this matter. They stealthily and confidently make their way to blood vessels, which often makes them more dangerous and their bites more painful. In addition, they are carriers of pappataci fever and bartonellosis.
  4. Where will the larva hatch: After bearing offspring, females go to the nearest body of water, where mosquito larvae prepare to become adults. For mosquitoes, moist soil becomes the first location of their life cycle.
  5. Distribution area: To meet mosquitoes, you need to go to the Krasnodar region or the Caucasus, or to a country with a tropical climate. Mosquitoes are accustomed to living next to us, no matter where we are, except Antarctica and Iceland.

Of course, bloodsuckers have a lot in common. At a minimum, mosquitoes and their relatives spend their entire lives in search of new prey.

Pacifist males

Surprisingly, male mosquitoes are not obsessed with finding new victims like females. Instead, they feed on plant nectar and avoid our company whenever possible.

In fact, male mosquitoes would happily eat a vegetarian diet too. They also pollinate flowers when they don't have to worry about reproducing. The blood contains protein and other nutrients, without which it would be impossible to perform the reproductive function.

No allergic reaction

In most people, mosquito saliva causes an allergic reaction, manifested by itching and redness of the skin. Mosquitoes use saliva to lubricate their proboscis, facilitating their penetration into blood vessels. The composition of saliva contains anticoagulants, which negatively affect blood clotting, so some of the saliva ends up in the wound.

The body produces antibodies to fight the foreign substance, causing the release of histamines. Histamines lead to dilation of blood vessels in the bite area, which forms characteristic bumps on the skin. Severe itching occurs due to irritation of the nerve endings in this area.

Old-timers on our planet

New findings by researchers confirm that the ancestors of mosquitoes lived on Earth 46 million years ago. The discovered fossils belonged to a mosquito, which at that time already fed on the blood of the first mammals.

This discovery also expands our understanding of the timing of the appearance of hematophages, showing that these blood-sucking insects appeared on Earth much earlier than we thought.

There's no better place at home

There are more than 3000 species of mosquitoes on Earth, and most of them rarely leave their native habitats. Many species of mosquitoes limit their movements to a distance of four kilometers.

For example, tiger mosquitoes, which originate from Asia, typically stay close to their native water bodies and travel no more than 100 meters.

Resistance to insecticidal lamps

Mosquito lights will not be an effective solution to controlling mosquitoes. Mosquitoes do not respond to light, which attracts other nocturnal insects such as moths and moths. They react to carbon dioxide and skin aroma. It is much more effective to use products that are applied to human skin or sprayed into the air.

In addition, insecticidal lamps can attract a variety of predators that eat other harmful insects, which can ultimately make a person's life better than simply killing mosquitoes.

Common misconception

Which of us has not seen a giant mosquito in the house? The body length of an adult mosquito can reach more than 50 mm, and the legs are disproportionately long compared to the body. The conversation is about long-legged mosquitoes, often mistaken for dangerous carriers of malaria.

However, do not be afraid of the impressive size of this harmless insect: people are much more dangerous and aggressive towards them. The soft proboscis of mosquitoes of this species is not capable of piercing the skin, so bites from these mosquitoes are impossible.

Ancestors of modern mosquitoes

On the territory of modern Spain, archaeologists have discovered the fossil remains of the first mosquitoes, in whose stomachs they found the blood of dinosaurs. Thus, midges have a long history, which goes back 100 million years. They reached 5 centimeters in length. Impressive, isn't it?

The price of survival

We have already mentioned that mosquitoes do not like to leave their native expanses of water and usually avoid long distances. However, in emergency situations, when there are no suitable hunting objects in the vicinity, they have to resort to extreme measures. Research has shown that these blood-sucking insects are able to travel up to 64 kilometers to find nutritional resources.

In such situations, their sense of smell is activated to the limit, allowing them to smell carbon dioxide at a distance of up to 50 meters.

Mosquito squeak

Contrary to popular belief, the sound we hear does not come from the mosquitoes themselves, but from their wings. The average vibration frequency is 550 times per second. However, some species can produce sound up to 1000 times per second!

Quick facts about blood-sucking insects

Now you know more about the features and characteristics of mosquitoes. Nasties are an integral part of our reality. They even outlived the dinosaurs, and no one knows for sure what else they are capable of.

If you didn’t find the information enough, here are 10 more interesting facts:

1. Teamwork: 1 mosquitoes are enough to suck all the blood out of a person. It is estimated that this will take approximately 200 hours.
2. Bloodsucker Ninja: This term perfectly describes mosquitoes. They can even pass unnoticed through a web without touching it. They are also able to walk on the surface of the water.
3. Mosquito cities: There are 3 cities in the world whose names are associated with blood-sucking insects: in Canada, Slovakia and Ukraine. In each of these cities, tourists will find monuments to gnats.
4. Clothing Preferences: Mosquitoes prefer to see as many tight clothes as possible in public. Their proboscis easily penetrates the tissue, reaching blood vessels. This is another reason to choose loose-fitting clothes.
5. Damage to the sense of smell: In the summer, we love to have outdoor dinners with family or friends. But encountering mosquitoes can ruin everyone's mood. If you are cooking over an open fire, try to keep the smoke thick. This will help reduce the smell, repelling annoying insects.
6. Down with civilization: People have long been using geranium, basil and other cultivated plants to combat midges. Plant several types of herbs and shrubs on your site - they will not only beautify the area, but will also repel mosquitoes.
7. Beauty will not keep mosquitoes away: Skin care products and aromatic liquids attract blood-sucking mosquitoes no less than the smell of human skin. In the first case, it is due to lactic acid contained in creams and lotions, in the second, it is due to the floral and fruity notes of perfumes and colognes.
8. The most dangerous animal in the world: Mosquitoes are carriers of infectious diseases. Carry a first aid kit with you when traveling, especially in disadvantaged countries where treatment may not be available. Unfortunately, not only people are at risk, but also their pets. The bite can result in heartworm infection, which can cause the death of the animal.
9. Age is the main thing: During the mating season, female mosquitoes choose males of medium body size, which allows

Allows them to spend more time in the air. Males, in turn, prefer older females.
10. Diamond Eye: Infrared vision allows mosquitoes to easily navigate in the dark. They do not distinguish small details, but this is enough for them to find their prey thanks to their sensitive sense of smell.

True Facts: The Mosquito

Frequently Asked Questions

How do mosquitoes fly?

The scientific community has long been tormented by the question of how mosquitoes achieve their unique flight. This method turned out to be individual and not very similar to the flight of other flying creatures. Unlike other animals, mosquitoes have long and narrow wings, and the frequency of their movements is higher.

The mystery was solved thanks to slow-motion filming of the mosquito's flight process. Scientists have discovered that each time mosquitoes complete a vertical movement, they rotate their wings. This tactic allows them to use every movement of their wings to their advantage, creating a vortex in the air.

Fun fact: Do mosquitoes love beer festivals?

It is known that mosquitoes prefer blood containing alcohol. The reasons for this phenomenon are not yet fully understood. Interestingly, among all alcoholic drinks, mosquitoes prefer beer.

Perhaps the answer lies in increased sweating in a person who is intoxicated. In addition, alcohol releases carbon dioxide, which attracts these bloodsuckers.

Why do mosquitoes still exist?

Even though mosquitoes seem like nuisance neighbors, they play an important role in the ecosystem. If mosquitoes disappeared, other, perhaps more annoying and dangerous creatures would take their place.

Mosquitoes occupy an important place in the food chain. They serve as food for larger animals, sometimes being their only source of food, for example, for birds in the north. Mosquito larvae serve as food for fish and amphibians.

In addition, mosquito larvae filter water in bodies of water, helping to keep it clean. Dead mosquitoes are also a source of valuable elements necessary for soil fertilization and plant growth. All this emphasizes the importance of their existence in nature.

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